Friday, May 22, 2020
Is Discipline A Child Abuse - 969 Words
Is Discipline Child Abuse? What does the word child abuse mean in your own words? Some people believe child abuse includes neglect, punishment, physical or emotional maltreatment. Child abuse is all over the world. Every day a child is either abused or neglected. Since the late 1900’s child abuse was commonly used in the United States (Gale). Now it is slowly coming to its ending point. Since 1992, only two states, Delaware and Oklahoma, have experienced consistent increases today. Is discipline considered Child Abuse? In 1997, over 3,195,000 children were reported to child protective services (CPS) agencies (Lucinda Almond). Fifteen out of every 1,000 US children were substantiated as victims of child maltreatment (Lucinda Almond). Five categories were provided: physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, emotional maltreatment and others (Lucinda Almond). In the US many families reported for child abuse often display a number of problems, which most likely contribute to their likelihood for engaging in abusive behavior (Lucinda Almond). Many behaviors of child abuse are alcohol abuse, dependency, threat of harm, and bizarre discipline (Lucinda Almond). Neglect is the most common type of reported child maltreatment. Neglect is any action on the part of a caregiver that causes physical or emotional harm. When a child is neglected he or she may soon become depressed or suicidal. Abandonment is another type of neglect (Lyness D’Arcy). This is when a child is left alone for aShow MoreRelatedIs It Child Abuse Or Discipline?1436 Words  | 6 PagesIs It Child Abuse or Discipline? Child abuse viewed in the form of discipline is a growing epidemic that affects both the child in the present and can also damage them emotionally or physically in the future. The line between child abuse and discipline may seem obvious to most people, but where is the line actually drawn? Child abuse is anything that emotionally or physically endangers/impairs a child’s well-being, whereas discipline is correcting a behavior in a manner that helps the child’s growthRead MoreChild Abuse And Child Discipline925 Words  | 4 Pagesbetween child abuse and child discipline. Abuse is any action that intentionally harms or injures another person. Discipline is punishment that is intended to correct or train. Some parents do not see the harm in their form of discipline, but others may view it as abuse. It may not be the parent’s intention to harm their child but it is something that occurs. â€Å"In 2012, state agencies found an estimate 686,000 of child maltreatme nt.†.*(*Kids Count) Every year more than 3 million reports of child abuseRead MoreParental Discipline And Child Abuse1809 Words  | 8 Pagespunishments as a child most likely became more disciplined earlier than everyone else and most likely still is. To be clear, the intended definition of punishments to be used is a penalization for committing an act that would be considered unacceptable in the eyes of the parent i.e. swearing, fighting, being disrespectful, etc. This is also known as parental discipline. Although it may not seem like it there is a clear boundary separating parental discipline from child abuse. Parental discipline is intendedRead MorePosition Paper- Child Abuse and Discipline1181 Words  | 5 PagesPARENTAL DISCIPLINE AND ABUSE Parental discipline and child abuse are among the most controversial topics currently, and they cause serious problems for children in the United States. Child abuse essentially focuses on the child’s bad behaviors and gives the child emotional and physical harms. Forms of abuse include spanking, hitting, saying negative things and corporal punishment. In fact, parental discipline is a much more appropriate way of dealing with negative behavior than using abusiveRead MoreThe Difference Between Child Abuse And Discipline1200 Words  | 5 Pages Do you know the difference between child abuse and discipline? Child Abuse is when someone physically and mentally hurts another person. Discipline is teaching someone or something to do the right thing. Child Abuse is very common in the United States. Many children suffer from bruising, swelling skin, and broken bones. Situations like this happen because of problems at home or personal problems. Parents at home abuse their children because of drinking and depression issues. In this crazy worldRead MoreWhen Does Discipline Cross the Line to Child Abuse?1486 Words  | 6 PagesWhen Does Discipline Cross the Line to Child Abuse? In this report, I concentrated my research on the fine line between physical discipline and child abuse, with emphasis on spanking vs. not spanking and its effects on children. Included are research from statistics, opposing views and arguments, advocates’ and Department of Children and Families’ position. The use of corporal punishment, or spanking, as a form of parental discipline is a controversial topic. Adults who remember being spankingRead MorePhysical Discipline with Children1100 Words  | 4 PagesSpanking a child is not against the law in most places. However, parents who use it in their homes are being accused of child abuse. The Chicago Tribune published an article that urged readers to report child abuse when they become aware of it. In the article â€Å"Child abuse in plain View†the author describes spanking as a type of abuse that happens behind closed doors (â€Å"Child abuse in plain View†). Like most critics of corporal punishment, the author is trying to link spanking to abuse. The author`sRead MoreMy Speech On Childhood Discipline1177 Words  | 5 PagesTopic: Childhood Discipline General Purpose: To inform my audience what childhood discipline is and why it is important to discipline your child. Specific Purpose: To identify what childhood discipline really is and how you should discipline a child. Thesis: Good parenting consist of many element when parenting you have to be stern. Could discipline your child lead to a lifetime disrespect? Or could discipline lead to a promising future for your child. Introduction I. Spanking, Popping, and WhoopingRead MoreSpanking a Child and Child Abuse1076 Words  | 5 PagesSpanking a child is not against the law in most places. However, parents who use it in their homes are being accused of child abuse. The Chicago Tribune published an article that urged readers to report child abuse when they become aware of it. In the article â€Å"Child abuse in plain View†the author describes spanking as a type of abuse that happens behind closed doors (â€Å"Child abuse in plain View†). Like most critics of corporal punishment, the author is trying to link spanking to abuse. The author`sRead MoreEffects Of Hearing Punishment On Children1563 Words  | 7 Pagesabout discipline? For numerous children they recall the abuse they have suffered. Meanwhile, others, more fortunate, will possibly recall time-outs or having a toy taken away. According to the Child Maltreatment 2014 report, â€Å"For 2014, a nationally estimated 1,580 children died of abus e and neglect at a rate of 2.13 per 100,000 children in the national population†(Child Maltreatment 2014). This rate is deplorable. More importantly, there is no reason children should suffer neglect or abuse. Many
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