Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The setting of a Christmas carol Essays
The setting of a Christmas hymn Essays The setting of a Christmas hymn Paper The setting of a Christmas hymn Paper Article Topic: A Christmas Carol How does Dickens set everything up for the appearance in Jacob Maryles Ghost in fight 1 of a Christmas tune? Dickens quickly lays everything out by composing a powerful, yet strange starting to the principal scene. Marley was dead regardless The impact of this opening is frightening and furthermore stunning. This is an unordinary approach to open a story. Likewise this is an inquiry to his demise, so he is dead yet could come into the story later. Dickens overstates this purpose of that Marley is dead and is dreary in this house. So this causes the peruser to wonder why the essayist is doing this and rehashing such a striking point. Be that as it may, at that point dickens returns the peruser to reality Old Marley was as gone home in a box. So this consoles the peruser that Marley is dead and furthermore dickens has utilized a comparison with similar sounding word usage. The utilization of similar sounding word usage accentuates the implications of words with the goal that the word contrasted with the article is bolder. Presentation. Charles Dickens was conceived in 1812. His dad worked for the naval force pay office. So Dickens s early life gave him a lot of opportunities to see life nearby the Thames. He went to a little school until he was eleven, when he and his family chose to move to London. His family contained himself, five other youngsters and his mom and father. His dad wasnt bringing enough cash so his mom figured she could find a new line of work yet this was not intended to be. The family needed to sell all the books they had gathered and other important family things to a second hand store. At the point when Charles turned twelve so his folks where rented to get Charles a line of work at a blacking industrial facility. This would be a filthy un clean work environment yet this was life. This was a major stockroom, which was rotting and loaded with rodents. Section 2. In the following scene of the book, dickens utilizes his subsequent method, which depicts Scrooge by his physical highlights. Dickens depicts penny pincher so awful that he plans it for us to loathe tightwad, the kind of portrayal is insensitive to the point that we consider him an animal. The cold inside him solidified his old highlights, nipped his sharp nose, shrinks his cheek, hardened his step, made his eyes red and made his slender lips blue. This enables the peruser to picture an appalling and bizarre looking man who is unfathomable inflexible. Dickens depicts Scrooge by composing what Scrooges activity are. Tightwad never painted out old Marleys name therefor this could show that Scrooge is so obstinate to purchase and paint the board outside of his business. Dickens additionally depicts penny pincher in an alternate manner, which is the point at which he utilizes an action word chain. This additionally depicts penny pincher in a bolder manner so it depicts him in a meaner way. This is compelling in light of the fact that this is overstated to the extraordinary, so miser is found to be the way mean he is. Penny pincher is contrasted with a clam and this is such a decent examination. This is on the grounds that shellfish have extremely hard revolting shells yet they have a pearl, which is entirely inside. This could imply that penny pincher has an external shell which implies hes argent, shocking and obstinate, yet inside he could have a superior offering side to him. Likewise the topic of recovery is presented here in light of the fact that at Christmas individuals think back on the year and attempt to change the awful ways they have done, so the peruser might be thinking about this. Passage 3 A further strategy by which Dickens sets us up for the spooky vision of Marleys face on Scooges entryway is the way he portrays the setting outside Scrooges tallying house. In the following scene dickens depicts the setting of a Christmas hymn. Dickens utilizes the way that Marley is dead and depicts the setting in an irregular manner. First dickens depicts the setting as dim, soggy and melancholy. This is a totally different difference to a typical Christmas, which is light, cold and radiant. The peruser asks why dickens does this, since this is absolutely inverse to what Christmas is truly similar to. Another procedure that dickens utilizes is exemplification It was cool, distressing, gnawing climate. This doesnt truly happen in light of the fact that the cold isnt truly gnawing penny pincher its that it is so cool it feels as though you are being chomped.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
History of Olmec Art and Sculpture
History of Olmec Art and Sculpture The Olmec culture was the primary extraordinary Mesoamerican human advancement, creating along Mexicos Gulf coast from around 1200-400 B.C. prior to going into a secretive decay. The Olmec were gifted craftsmen and artists who are today best associated with their momentous stonework and cavern artworks. Albeit moderately barely any bits of Olmec craftsmanship endure today, they are very striking and show that aesthetically, the Olmec were a long ways comparatively radical. The gigantic giant heads found at four Olmec destinations are a genuine model. Most enduring Olmec craftsmanship appears to have had a strict or political criticalness, for example the pieces show divine beings or rulers. The Olmec Civilization The Olmec were the main extraordinary Mesoamerican human advancement. The city of San Lorenzo (its unique name has been lost to time) thrived around 1200-900 B.C. what's more, was the main significant city in antiquated Mexico. The Olmecs were incredible merchants, warriors, and specialists, and they created composing frameworks and schedules which were culminated by later societies. Other Mesoamerican societies, for example, the Aztecs and Maya, obtained vigorously from the Olmecs. Since the Olmec society went into decay 2,000 years before the principal Europeans showed up in the locale, quite a bit of their way of life has been lost. In any case, tireless anthropologists and archeologists keep on making incredible walks in understanding this lost culture. The enduring craftsmanship is probably the best apparatus they have for doing as such. Olmec Art The Olmec were skilled specialists who created stone carvings, woodcarvings and cavern works of art. They made carvings everything being equal, from small celts and dolls to huge stone heads. The stonework is made of a wide range of kinds of stone, including basalt and jadeite. Just a bunch of Olmec woodcarvings remain, busts unearthed from a swamp at the El Manatã archeological site. The cavern artworks are found for the most part in mountains in the present-day Mexican province of Guerrero. The Olmec Colossal Heads The most striking bits of enduring Olmec workmanship are doubtlessly the titanic heads. These heads, cut from basalt rocks mined numerous miles from where they were in the end cut, delineate tremendous male heads wearing a kind of protective cap or crown. The biggest head was found at the La Cobata archeological site and is almost ten feet tall and weighs around 40 tons. Indeed, even the littlest of the goliath heads is still more than four feet high. On the whole, seventeen Olmec enormous heads have been found at four diverse archeological destinations: 10 of them are at San Lorenzo. They are thought to portray singular lords or rulers. Olmec Thrones Olmec stone workers additionally made numerous tremendous seats, extraordinary squarish squares of basalt with point by point carvings on the sides thought to have been utilized as stages or seats by the respectability or clerics. One of the seats portrays two stout dwarves holding up a level tabletop while others show scenes of people conveying were-puma newborn children. The motivation behind the seats was found when a cavern painting of an Olmec ruler situated on one was found. Sculptures and Stelae Olmec craftsmen in some cases made sculptures or stelae. One popular arrangement of sculptures was found at the El Azuzul site close San Lorenzo. It comprises of three pieces: two indistinguishable twins confronting a puma. This scene is regularly deciphered as portraying a Mesoamerican fantasy or the like: chivalrous twins assume a significant job in the Popol Vuh, the sacrosanct book of the Maya. The Olmecs made a few sculptures: another critical one found close to the culmination of the San Martã n Pajapan Volcano. The Olmecs made moderately not many stelae - tall standing stones with recorded or cut surfaces - however some noteworthy models have been found at the La Venta and Tres Zapotes destinations. Celts, Figurines and Masks With everything taken into account, somewhere in the range of 250 instances of momentous Olmec craftsmanship, for example, goliath heads and sculptures are known. There are incalculable littler pieces, in any case, including puppets, little sculptures, celts (little pieces with structures generally formed like a hatchet head), covers and adornments. One celebrated littler sculpture is the grappler, a similar delineation of a leg over leg man with his arms noticeable all around. Another littler sculpture critical is Las Limas Monument 1, which delineates a situated youth holding a were-puma infant. Images of four Olmec divine beings are engraved on his legs and shoulders, making it a truly significant ancient rarity surely. The Olmec were ardent cover creators, delivering life-sized veils, potentially worn during functions, and littler covers utilized as enhancements. Olmec Cave Painting Toward the west of the customary Olmec lands, in the mountains of the present-day Mexican State of Guerrero, two caverns containing a few compositions credited to the Olmec have been found. The Olmec related caverns with the Earth Dragon, one of their divine beings, and all things considered, the caverns were hallowed spots. Juxtlahuaca Cave contains a delineation of a feathered snake and a jumping panther, however the best artistic creation is a beautiful Olmec ruler remaining close to a littler, bowing figure. The ruler holds a wavy-molded article in one hand (a snake?) and a three-pronged gadget in the other, conceivably a weapon. The ruler is obviously hairy, an irregularity in Olmec craftsmanship. The artistic creations in Oxtotitln Cave highlight a man with a point by point hat styled after an owl, a crocodile beast and an Olmec man remaining behind a puma. In spite of the fact that Olmec-style cavern artistic creations have been found in different collapses the area, the ones at Oxtotitln and Juxtlahuaca are the most significant. Significance of Olmec Art As craftsmen, the Olmec were hundreds of years relatively revolutionary. Numerous cutting edge Mexican specialists discover motivation in their Olmec legacy. Olmec workmanship has numerous advanced fans: reproduction huge heads can be found the world over (one is at the University of Texas, Austin). You can even purchase a little copy goliath head for your home, or a quality printed photo of a portion of the more well known sculptures. As the principal extraordinary Mesoamerican development, the Olmec were amazingly compelling. Late-time Olmec reliefs look like Mayan craftsmanship to the undeveloped eye, and different societies, for example, the Toltecs obtained elaborately from them. Sources Coe, Michael D., and Rex Koontz. Mexico: From the Olmecs to the Aztecs. sixth Edition. New York: Thames and Hudson, 2008Diehl, Richard A. The Olmecs: Americas First Civilization. London: Thames and Hudson, 2004.
Friday, July 31, 2020
4 Tips For Overcoming Obstacles
4 Tips For Overcoming Obstacles Whatever goals you are pursuing, you have come across and will continue coming across obstacles. This is normal. In fact, it is so normal that if you’re not facing obstacles, then it’s probably because you are stagnant.And while a majority are complaining about obstacles hindering them from being successful, some are just overcoming them and succeeding.Those who are succeeding are not any better than those complaining. But if the result of their encounters with obstacles bring them success, then there must be something the complainers can do to also succeed.You have heard that obstacles are there to be overcome. That they are opportunities in disguise. But the opportunities could be so disguised that you doubt their very existence. If this is you, then relax and know that this article is for you.Whether you are in business or desire to overcome some personal obstacles, read on and you will get a new perspective to life.COMMON OBSTACLES IN LIFEIf you have had both victories and fa ilures dealing with obstacles, then you will also benefit from this article. At the end of it, you will know just how to make the victories more consistent.First, let’s look at some of the common obstacles. Although the list can be very long, you will realize that some obstacles actually are a result of these listed here.FearFear is not just an obstacle but an enemy. A very real enemy. This obstacle can be the only one in your life but still easily manage to keep you from your goals. Fear resides deep inside you and poses a great risk to your success.Fear makes you unable to start any project because of very many reasons. These reasons are rarely true. As much as they may be factual, the whole idea is never true because fear never gives you all the necessary information.To keep you under its control, fear will only tell you what will work against you so that you believe it and settle for less. This is one big reason why there are so many people with grand business ideas which neve r see the light of day. The ideas remain in their minds.Fear comes in many forms. The fear of not making enough profit; fear of not being able to pay your bills on time; fear of failure; fear of being embarrassed when you fail; fear of being labeled a loser etc.But did you know that there will always be something to be afraid of?Fear mainly comes from your natural desire for security. You need assurance about paying bills, having food, having a home and many other things which make you comfortable. For you to be comfortable, you need to be sure what tomorrow holds.That is why uncertainty makes you fearful. For example, when you hear of new technology being introduced at work, you are afraid of getting laid off.Ask the entrepreneurs and they will tell you. Listen to the successful business leaders and they will confirm it. You will never know all that tomorrow holds. That means you will always be anxious about something.Will your sales rise or drop? Will your competitor’s business be more profitable than yours? Will your best employees be lured by your competitor and leave you? All these are very real possibilities. Real and reasonable fears. But are you supposed to give them all the attention they seek?If you give in to fear, you will get crippled and never move. You will be too afraid to work on that great business idea afraid that it may never amount to anything. Too afraid to start that promising relationship afraid of a heartbreak.You may also be afraid of sharing an opinion during a meeting fearing that it may sound stupid. Unknown to you, it may be the idea that gets your company that coveted contract. This may get you the project manager’s position and ultimately the promotion you have always been dreaming of.Memories of past mistakesNo-one under the sun is perfect. No matter how learned or experienced. We all learn as we continue on the journey of life. Those who succeed are the ones who learn and implement the lessons.Learning is simply the acquir ing of knowledge. This may come in the form of official schooling or practical experiences. When you apply this knowledge in life situations, then you are said to be wise because you skillfully avoid many unnecessary mistakes.All the same, you can never avoid all mistakes. In fact, despite your wisdom, you will very likely make some big mistakes just like everyone else. But what is your response afterwards?Your fall may have caused you a lot of pain. Be it emotional, physical or psychological, the overall effect may have been huge. It may have been something you did and now regret or something you failed to do and the consequences still follow you. Such cases may bring about self-loathing.Painful memories can make you unable to move and stand as a big obstacle in your way. It might be that any time you try stepping out, you automatically remember something and get pulled back.Such situations require counseling. Talking to a counselor will help you handle the situation so you can hea l and live life normally.Wrong attitudeAttitudes are perspectives or ways of thinking that have been developed over time. Just as there is positive and negative thinking, there is a right and wrong attitude. The right attitude goes hand in hand with positive thinking and the wrong attitude with negative thinking.When you have the wrong attitude towards something, you become unable to put the necessary effort required to gain any benefit from it. Instead of seeing any opportunity, you will only see the problem. Yet these problems will only be getting worse because you cannot provide a solution.A wrong attitude will make you magnify problems which are actually very small. You will see all the things which are wrong in a situation and nothing good in it. This perspective will keep you from attempting to change the situation.According to you, there is simply too much that needs to be done that it can’t be done by one person. Especially not you because you apparently can’t do anythin g about it.Surprisingly enough, you will still see the need for something to be done. You may even speak out about the situation in an effort to get people to do something about it. In doing so, you fail to realize that you are giving away your power to make the necessary changes.An example of this can be seen in the communities where the environment is not as clean as it should be. In some areas, the government has a responsibility in keeping the environment clean. However, what happens if for some reason that doesn’t happen?Some people will let the situation become worse. At the same time, others will be littering the environment since there are people who should be handling it. These are the same people who will be complaining loudest as the problem worsens. How far will such people go towards success?Watch the below video to know how big a difference a positive attitude can make. Self-doubtAre you aware of your strengths? Self-doubt is the doubt of your personal abilities. You may be well skilled in something but since you haven’t acknowledged your abilities, you don’t think they amount to much.Everyone is born with certain abilities. Referred to as talents or gifts, these enable you to learn some skills faster or perform tasks with less effort compared to others. For example, you may be talented in singing and some friends have mentioned it to you.This natural ability can make it easy for you to outperform others in a competition. If starting a singing career, it may enable you rise to the top faster than others. But if you don’t acknowledge its existence or haven’t learned its value, you will not be able to take advantage of it.One of the causes of self-doubt is low self-esteem. Low self-esteem causes you to have low self-confidence thus preventing you from going for what you want to achieve.Lack of self-disciplineSelf-discipline is one of the building blocks of success. Hard work is necessary but without self-discipline, the journey towards su ccess will be quite short. Self-discipline produces consistency and this is what results in diligence.Lacking in self-discipline will make you have a series of “on and off†moments. You will wake up early one day and do what needs to be done. But the following day, you will wake up late and do very little or nothing at all.Lacking in self-discipline is what makes you plan your day and start off well but fail to complete the tasks you planned to work on.Lack of self-discipline can cause a lot of frustrations as you see the victory right ahead of you but are unable to experience it. You may have wanted to achieve some goals by a certain time and was sure it was reasonably possible. But lacking self-discipline will ensure you never achieve them.PerfectionismGood, better, best. Or should it be good, great, perfect?You may have to decide as this could be a personal preference. All the same, if you choose to go by “good, great, perfect,†then know that you may fall into a trap whi ch many have fallen into.The word perfect refers to a situation where everything is 100% or more, above the normal expectation of good. This can never be attained and all pursuit of it is in vain. Perfectionism is a very dangerous lie.Even science and all technology can never get you there. That is why there is not even one type of computer that can do all things. There has to be one type for specific work and even then, it still has shortcomings. A perfect computer can only exist in imagination.It may have to be of unlimited storage, faster than lightning in processing, always knowing what the user wants without being told and doing it (AI machines have to be taught) etc. Apply this to your personal life and you will know that you are not perfect therefore can never do a perfect job.You can never have a perfect plan, a perfect team, a perfect financial state, a perfect anything. Situations are also never perfect and if you wait for the perfect time so as to do something, you will n ever do it.Why? The perfect situation will never exist.“Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap.†Ecclesiastes 11:4 (NIV)Analysis paralysisThis is closely related to perfectionism. In fact, it is the result of it.Analysis paralysis is where you analyze the situation over and over again in an effort to make the perfect decision. Obviously, as you do this, time is never waiting for you. And before you realize it, you have lost the opportunity that you had.This is a problem when it comes to decision making. For anything to be done, there has to be a decision made.Whether consciously or unconsciously, you make decisions. Unfortunately, you can get trapped in an unending cycle of gathering facts, analyzing them and reviewing the analysis. All this in pursuit of the best solution.Result?Stagnation in life.The people you admire as big and successful business owners have learned the importance of making decisions quickly. There are times when you will need to make decisions with no information at all. Yet you will have to trust that you made the right one.In such cases, you decide, then work to make the decision the right one.The connection with perfectionism is that it is the search for the perfect decision that makes you over-analyze the situation you are in. You want to have all the information so that you can make the best or perfect decision. The decision which will ensure things flow perfectly. You don’t want any hitches.If you realize that you have been having a problem making decisions quickly, then know that your problem is perfectionism. If your problem is perfectionism, then your root problem is low self-confidence.If you lack self-confidence, you will be unable to trust your ability to make good decisions. You will always want to have the perfect decision so that you can defend yourself against any question regarding the decision you made.You therefore want the perfect decision to be the source of your con fidence.This set up is a sure recipe for disaster at a personal level. Since you will never be able to make a perfect decision, you will anxiously be wondering what people think of your decision.Unfortunately, even the perfect decision, if at all it exists, will still be questioned. This is because people are different and they think differently. Your “perfect†is not everyone’s “perfect.†So quit pursuing perfectionism and save yourself from the agony of analysis paralysis.Take courage in knowing that the path to success is full of uncertainties which have to be dealt with as they come.TIPS FOR OVERCOMING OBSTACLESThese and many other obstacles in life are not permanent walls which block you from success. In fact, even walls can come down. One such wall was the Berlin wall.Remember what we said about having the wrong attitude? If you have the right attitude, you will see obstacles as important and even necessary for life. You will appreciate their presence because they bu ild you. They increase your capacity to overcome more.That is why those who are in high positions will normally have gone through more obstacles than those below them. They hold those positions as captains who can steer the ship through the storms which are sure to come.As you read the below tips, encourage yourself knowing that you are learning how to become better. Apply these tips in your life by starting small. As you develop more mental muscle, you will just naturally climb up the ladder of successâ€"with very little conscious struggle.Identify and understand the obstacleIf you really want to be successful in anything, then you better realize that you will be fighting. This fight is usually to a large extent in your mind. It is with your mind that you decide to do something. And it is still with your mind that you muster the courage and effort to do what you decided.Since you cannot fight an enemy you don’t know, or worse still, can’t see, the first step is to identify and understand your enemy. This is your obstacle. The thing standing between you and your goals. Identifying your obstacle is not just seeing it but understanding it.“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.†Sun Tzu, The Art of WarYou have to be a bit analytical here, not too much though. If you hit a wall, sit down and ask yourself some questions. What exactly is standing in my way? Is it usually there? Did I do something or fail to do something thus causing it to be there?Have I ever heard about this obstacle? What do I know about it? Have other people overcome it? Did they go through it or around it?After you have this knowledge, it is then time to plan.What do you have?You plan based on the resources you have. You don’t have everything needed for a fightâ €"and you never will.The greatest stories are of those people who had little resources but utilized them well enough to overcome great challenges. Wouldn’t you like your story to be like theirs?Your resources are the things that work for you and not against you. These are your strengths. If you are running a business, then you might include in this list the strengths of your employees. In case you haven’t gotten to that level, don’t worry, you have something that your competitors don’t.If your obstacle is a business competitor, then in the first step, you should have managed to research and know what makes him good. In this step, you are now finding out what makes (or can make) you better.What do your friends say you are good at? If you have had any clients so far, what have they praised you for? Superior quality products? Timely delivery? Great customer service? Lower prices (without compromising your margins)?What were you praised for in school? Convincing power? Eloquence in speech?If you are struggling to get answers, you can engage a friend or family member. Just ask them to be sincere. If you however take some time and do this alone, you will gain better insight into yourself.You will know that you are really well equipped.After you have this information, check how you can implement your strengths against the strengths of the obstacle you’re facing. There will always be a way that something can be brought down even with little strength. Do not be in a hurry or feel like you are taking too much time.Watch the below video to learn how you can utilize your strengths. Of course, time is an important factor to consider. However, if you rush through without properly understanding the situation and planning well, you will soon be back to the drawing board. Nothing wrong with that, except that if it happens often, you are bound to get frustrated.Having listed as many strengths as possible, including those seemingly too small and of little significance, plan on how to tackle the obstacle from multiple angles. And this is where we get to the interesting part. This is the fun part.Change the environmentThere is nothing as good and fun as playing a game according to your rules. You are sure to win.To change the environment means you are changing the game plan to flow in a manner that favors you.For example, you may be dealing with a business competitor who has more financial muscle than you. If your strengths are timely delivery and great customer service, use those two to tackle the competition. You can go about them like this:Approach clients from a perspective of building a relationship. Make the client see you as a friend. He should be able to trust you as this is the foundation on which big brands are built. That is why a brand can sell expensive products but people still buy; make mistakes but people are still buying.Great customer service is centered on making the customer trust you. Make customers trust that you have their co ncerns close to your heart. Then let them know that this is the basis on which you have developed your products or services.After this, promise timely delivery and make sure you don’t fail on that.Feel free to attack the obstacle from another angle at the same time. That can be cheaper prices. As long as you don’t go below your margins, you can lower prices.Lower prices can also be a great strategy in business. If you have lower profits from selling one product but end up selling many pieces, then cumulatively, your profits rise.This strategy of changing the environment is not limited to business operations only. It also works at a personal level. As long as you have your list of strengths and have understood the obstacle ahead of you, you are good to go.For example, you may be trying to get into a relationship but your obstacle is shyness.What are your strengths? Have you been told you have a great voice? Have you been complimented on your height or beauty? Are you good in cert ain games?If you can sing, then start by joining a karaoke club. If you play sports, join a sports club. When you are in an environment where you flourish easily, your confidence gets built up and you are able to outdo obstacles.Keep everything flowing within the boundaries of your strengths. You will soon realize that the obstacles which stood ahead of you actually helped you. You ended up knowing that you have more that you initially thought you had.Be diligentRemember the need for discipline? It will not be very helpful for you to change the environment but not sustain it. Diligence is necessary for this.This is where many people tend to start failing because this stage is not as much fun as the previous one. There is little adrenaline running unless you make it your goal to always venture out to conquer more ground.Before you do that however, it is critical that you become completely in control of the obstacle you faced. If it is one that could be moved as a result of your chang ing the environment, then you can proceed. If it is one that needs to be managed at all times, then you have to plan accordingly.Diligence speaks of consistency. Consistency in doing what you are doing in the way you are doing it. If it is working, then stick to it. In the course of time, analyze any changes in both the internal and external environments to see whether you need to change tack.Also, as you develop and become better, consider improving your operations to become more efficient. For example, as much as you have strengths working for you, you may need to implement automated solutions in some areas.Strengths can also be improved. You can enroll for classes. You can research and learn online to see how other people are doing things. You will always need to be more knowledgeable so as to stay ahead of your obstacles.This ensures that obstacles coming your way will never surprise you. You will also be equipped enough to know that you can handle them thus avoid unnecessary st ress.All in all, ensure that you always operate as per the strengths you have. This is what will keep you from sliding back to the challenging phase you were in.CONCLUSIONAfter reading these tips, go ahead and implement them. Then you will realize that obstacles are nothing but stepping stones on your way to success.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Is Discipline A Child Abuse - 969 Words
Is Discipline Child Abuse? What does the word child abuse mean in your own words? Some people believe child abuse includes neglect, punishment, physical or emotional maltreatment. Child abuse is all over the world. Every day a child is either abused or neglected. Since the late 1900’s child abuse was commonly used in the United States (Gale). Now it is slowly coming to its ending point. Since 1992, only two states, Delaware and Oklahoma, have experienced consistent increases today. Is discipline considered Child Abuse? In 1997, over 3,195,000 children were reported to child protective services (CPS) agencies (Lucinda Almond). Fifteen out of every 1,000 US children were substantiated as victims of child maltreatment (Lucinda Almond). Five categories were provided: physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, emotional maltreatment and others (Lucinda Almond). In the US many families reported for child abuse often display a number of problems, which most likely contribute to their likelihood for engaging in abusive behavior (Lucinda Almond). Many behaviors of child abuse are alcohol abuse, dependency, threat of harm, and bizarre discipline (Lucinda Almond). Neglect is the most common type of reported child maltreatment. Neglect is any action on the part of a caregiver that causes physical or emotional harm. When a child is neglected he or she may soon become depressed or suicidal. Abandonment is another type of neglect (Lyness D’Arcy). This is when a child is left alone for aShow MoreRelatedIs It Child Abuse Or Discipline?1436 Words  | 6 PagesIs It Child Abuse or Discipline? Child abuse viewed in the form of discipline is a growing epidemic that affects both the child in the present and can also damage them emotionally or physically in the future. The line between child abuse and discipline may seem obvious to most people, but where is the line actually drawn? Child abuse is anything that emotionally or physically endangers/impairs a child’s well-being, whereas discipline is correcting a behavior in a manner that helps the child’s growthRead MoreChild Abuse And Child Discipline925 Words  | 4 Pagesbetween child abuse and child discipline. Abuse is any action that intentionally harms or injures another person. Discipline is punishment that is intended to correct or train. Some parents do not see the harm in their form of discipline, but others may view it as abuse. It may not be the parent’s intention to harm their child but it is something that occurs. â€Å"In 2012, state agencies found an estimate 686,000 of child maltreatme nt.†.*(*Kids Count) Every year more than 3 million reports of child abuseRead MoreParental Discipline And Child Abuse1809 Words  | 8 Pagespunishments as a child most likely became more disciplined earlier than everyone else and most likely still is. To be clear, the intended definition of punishments to be used is a penalization for committing an act that would be considered unacceptable in the eyes of the parent i.e. swearing, fighting, being disrespectful, etc. This is also known as parental discipline. Although it may not seem like it there is a clear boundary separating parental discipline from child abuse. Parental discipline is intendedRead MorePosition Paper- Child Abuse and Discipline1181 Words  | 5 PagesPARENTAL DISCIPLINE AND ABUSE Parental discipline and child abuse are among the most controversial topics currently, and they cause serious problems for children in the United States. Child abuse essentially focuses on the child’s bad behaviors and gives the child emotional and physical harms. Forms of abuse include spanking, hitting, saying negative things and corporal punishment. In fact, parental discipline is a much more appropriate way of dealing with negative behavior than using abusiveRead MoreThe Difference Between Child Abuse And Discipline1200 Words  | 5 Pages Do you know the difference between child abuse and discipline? Child Abuse is when someone physically and mentally hurts another person. Discipline is teaching someone or something to do the right thing. Child Abuse is very common in the United States. Many children suffer from bruising, swelling skin, and broken bones. Situations like this happen because of problems at home or personal problems. Parents at home abuse their children because of drinking and depression issues. In this crazy worldRead MoreWhen Does Discipline Cross the Line to Child Abuse?1486 Words  | 6 PagesWhen Does Discipline Cross the Line to Child Abuse? In this report, I concentrated my research on the fine line between physical discipline and child abuse, with emphasis on spanking vs. not spanking and its effects on children. Included are research from statistics, opposing views and arguments, advocates’ and Department of Children and Families’ position. The use of corporal punishment, or spanking, as a form of parental discipline is a controversial topic. Adults who remember being spankingRead MorePhysical Discipline with Children1100 Words  | 4 PagesSpanking a child is not against the law in most places. However, parents who use it in their homes are being accused of child abuse. The Chicago Tribune published an article that urged readers to report child abuse when they become aware of it. In the article â€Å"Child abuse in plain View†the author describes spanking as a type of abuse that happens behind closed doors (â€Å"Child abuse in plain View†). Like most critics of corporal punishment, the author is trying to link spanking to abuse. The author`sRead MoreMy Speech On Childhood Discipline1177 Words  | 5 PagesTopic: Childhood Discipline General Purpose: To inform my audience what childhood discipline is and why it is important to discipline your child. Specific Purpose: To identify what childhood discipline really is and how you should discipline a child. Thesis: Good parenting consist of many element when parenting you have to be stern. Could discipline your child lead to a lifetime disrespect? Or could discipline lead to a promising future for your child. Introduction I. Spanking, Popping, and WhoopingRead MoreSpanking a Child and Child Abuse1076 Words  | 5 PagesSpanking a child is not against the law in most places. However, parents who use it in their homes are being accused of child abuse. The Chicago Tribune published an article that urged readers to report child abuse when they become aware of it. In the article â€Å"Child abuse in plain View†the author describes spanking as a type of abuse that happens behind closed doors (â€Å"Child abuse in plain View†). Like most critics of corporal punishment, the author is trying to link spanking to abuse. The author`sRead MoreEffects Of Hearing Punishment On Children1563 Words  | 7 Pagesabout discipline? For numerous children they recall the abuse they have suffered. Meanwhile, others, more fortunate, will possibly recall time-outs or having a toy taken away. According to the Child Maltreatment 2014 report, â€Å"For 2014, a nationally estimated 1,580 children died of abus e and neglect at a rate of 2.13 per 100,000 children in the national population†(Child Maltreatment 2014). This rate is deplorable. More importantly, there is no reason children should suffer neglect or abuse. Many
Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Civil Rights Movement Of The United States Public Schools
Education has been a staple necessity throughout the United States for years. From an early age, children attend school in order to learn concepts that will better prepare them for success in the future. Since Brown v. Board of Education, a nineteen fifty four court case that declared segregation in the United States public school system holds no ground, integration has been essentially mandated between blacks and whites in the education program (Hannah-Jones, 2014). Over the years, however, the system has received many alterations, such as a division between blacks and whites through poverty, that challenges the ideas of integration in the school system. These new economic and social issues bring into question whether or not the school†¦show more content†¦Through both social and economic means, segregation remains in the school system. The desired integration between minority and majority groups in schools has not been fulfilled. All white schools are no longer allowed t o occur since the Brown decision (Hannah, 2014). Therefore, based on racial means, the schools system would be perceived as more balanced. However, apartheid schools, or schools with virtually all non-white groups, have become prominent (Segregation Today, n.d.). Institutions filled with minority races are legal and lead to inequalities between the minority and majority groups in the country. Factors, like poverty, are greatly centered in these schools which detrimentally affect the attendees’ future, as based on findings by a Southern Poverty Law Center (Segregation Today, n.d.). This center specializes in legal advocacy of civil rights and public interest litigations,and therefore, has an immense amount of knowledge on the interbalance between races. Clearly, the Brown v. Board ruling forced integration into white schools but not the same manner for black schools. This, in turn, concentrates poverty into the non-white schools . This lack of integration, concentrates poverty into minority schools, further segregating the system. Based on the United States Census Bureau poverty statistics, Blacks are the largest poverty group in the nation, with almost a quarter of those
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Gastrin Free Essays
What is gastrin? What is its source? What are its target cells? What are its functions? gastrin is one of the many hormones that stimulates secretion of digestive acid by the parietal cells that lining the stomach. The G cells produced and released the gastric acids in the stomach and the duodenum to allows the stomach to break down proteins swallowed as food and absorb certain vitamins, gastric acids also disinfectant and kills most of the bacteria when entering the stomach with food that reduces the risk of infection in the stomach. 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Gastrin or any similar topic only for you Order Now What causes the release of gastrin? The G cells trigger the release of gastrin in the blood when food enters the stomach, as gastrin level rises in the blood, the stomach will release gastric acid to help digest and break down food. 3. What cells produce stomach acid? What is stomach acid? Parietal cells or oxyntic cells are cells that produce stomach acids. Stomach acid is a digestive fluid that has a pH of 1-2 composed of hydrochloric acid, potassium and sodium. 4. What systemic (body-wide) condition can occur as a result of too much stomach acid production (usually occurs due to excessive vomiting)? Explain why this happens. Helicobacter pylori or (H. pylori infection), patient with this condition may develop peptic ulcer if there is imbalance between the amount of acid and the mucus defense barrier lining the stomach thus, the amount of imbalance acid will damage the lining ot the stomach, causing the detense mucus barrier to be disrupted and inflammation to the stomach mucosa leading to acid to be increased and excessive vomiting that caused by lost of potassium, sodium, hydrogen and chloride ions in the stomach acid composition. 5. What is Helicobacter pylori? How is it treated? Is also known as H. pylori infection that is identified in the gastric antrum of patients with active chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers, which is now recognized as the major cause of gastric cancer. It can be treated by omeprazole and antibiotic treatment. 6. What pathological conditions can H. pylori cause in humans? Gastric adenocarcinoma, Chronic Gastritis, gastric cancer gastrointestinal cancers and peptic ulcers 7. What did this study assess/evaluate/explore? The study assess that gastrin has a distinct effect on the gastric corpus and antrum n the setting of chronic gastric Helicobacter infection. While gastrin is possibly an essential cofactor for gastric corpus carcinogenesis, gastrin deficiency can predispose animals to antral tumorigenesis, and thus any imbalances in gastrin physiology may represent a risk for gastric transformation 8. What were the authors’ conclusions? There are different effect of gastrin on carcinogenesis (normal cells are transformed into cancer cells) of both the gastric corpus and antrum, suggesting that gastrin is an essential cofactor for gastric corpus carcinogenesis How to cite Gastrin, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Police Use of S.A.R.A. to Combat Community Crime Essay Example
Police Use of S.A.R.A. to Combat Community Crime Essay One of the biggest challenges to the creation and maintenance of efficient and safe communities is the persistence of crime. Though abolishment of crime in its entirety is an unrealistic goal, police forces and criminologists are constantly working to better control the causes, and thus, minimize the effects of criminal acts. Prior to the late 1970’s, police action consisted mainly of a system of patrolling, crime response, and follow-up, but researchers found this implementation of police forces was too limited to prove effective. Realization of these limitations prompted the institution of a new approach to community law enforcement, termed problem-oriented policing (POP). POP empowers each officer to evaluate the source of crimes within his patrol area and to work to subdue the problem at its source.One of the most commonly used methods for such problem solving is the S.A.R.A. model. This acronym refers to the four sequential stages of Scanning, Analysis, Response, and Asse ssment with regards to any criminal problem. â€Å"This is a useful check on the natural tendency to jump straight to a final response, while skimping on definition of the problem and analysis and forgetting to assess their impact on the problem†(Clarke). The first step in this method, scanning, involves identification of the root cause of a problem. A problem is defined as a group of two or more incidents, similar in aspect, causing danger or harm. This stage involves identifying problems and their consequences, prioritizing such problems, and developing broad goals with regards to these confirmed troubles.The next step in the S.A.R.A. model is the analysis phase; this portion is the heart of problem solving. In order to fully understand the effects of any particular crime on a community, a complete and thorough analysis must be performed. This provides further details to the objectives described in the scanning phase. A critical point to note during this phase of problem s olving is the need to be objective. Analysis of crimes cannot be tainted with one person’s feelings or beliefs, as this can skew further progress of the method. Research and data collection are critical here, as each problem faces its own set of unique challenges. Although some amount of insight can be gained from other successes in relation to similar problems, each analysis must be tailored to the unique requirements of the problem and the community.After performing a thorough analysis of an incident, a response needs to be developed. Work done during the analysis phase will dictate what type of response is warranted. The response phase allows law enforcement to work closely with the victims of crime and the community. Through Community-Oriented Policing (COP) and POP, officers can work to reduce crime and give leverage to the people, who are usually the first points of contact when a problem occurs. Programs such as a neighborhood watch assist police forces in the response phase of the S.A.R.A. method. Assessing the options for community and police-based interventions for crime is done during this important step. While it is sometimes important for police to look at the actions and interventions of other communities with similar criminal problems, they are often required to think up new ways to combat crime within the context of their own communities and figure out how best to utilize the intervention resources available to them.The final stage of the S.A.R.A. method is assessment. This step is vital not only for determining the effectiveness of the response plan implemented, but also for providing qualitative and quantitative data to aid in the evaluation of and the response to further criminal problems within the community. This step allows police to adapt their methods of response for changes within the community instead of simply responding in the same way to a crime regardless of their circumstances and resources.Particularly for recurring crime s, police find that using the analysis part of S.A.R.A. in conjunction with other methods of analysis helps them to pinpoint the root of such problems. The crime triangle (POV, which is illustrated in Figure 1) can also be a tool to aid enforcement agencies in incident response. By identifying the Place, Offender and Victim clearly, an intervention can be staged to remove the offender from the triangle. This model is based on the assumption that a crime or problem occurs when an offender comes into contact with a victim in a particular place without appropriate supervision or control. Once the POV model for a problem has been identified, law enforcement agencies can impose the appropriate supervision to diffuse a situation in progress, or even sometimes prevent a crime from taking place. A place should be controlled by a manager responsible for keeping his building protected and calling in other parties for aid when needed. An offender can often be controlled by police, security, or other types of law enforcement, referred to as a handler. Finally, a victim should be looked after by a guardian to ensure his protection.Figure 1Our communities’ need for a closer working relationship between the people and law enforcement dictates the need for methods such as S.A.R.A.. Before the advent of the police cruiser, officers would patrol the neighborhood on foot, giving them the opportunity to talk to the other members of the community and provide them with a better understanding of community needs. As Toch (1991) explained, â€Å"by staying in their cars, patrol officers lost contact with residents of their beats who were neither offenders nor victims. Their knowledge of community problems became more and more limited†(2). Communities need to work together with their police force, not against them, and in knowing them and communicating with them face-to-face, this is more easily achieved.The demand for community policing stems largely from larger social and economic issues, such as poverty, racial strife, overburdened social services, and a growing sense of neglect among the inner-city poor. It presumes effective crime control requires a partnership between police and the public. (Holman 162)When citizens of a town only see the police on the occasion when an incident occurs, this leads to a disillusionment of the community towards their law enforcement agencies.Even skeptics of COP, POP, and S.A.R.A. have come to see their value, particularly due to the less social nature of current police patrols. As Bobinsky realized, after an initial rejection of community-oriented methods of problem solving, â€Å"this incident-oriented policing model placed an impressive array of resources at officers disposal to locate offenders, but made little attempt to reduce actual crime numbers†(1994). This phenomenon is well illustrated by the Greek myth of the nine-headed hydra. Hercules would cut off one head only to have two more grow back i n its place. To defeat the monster, Hercules had to enlist the aid of his nephew, with whom he was able to complete the task by cauterizing the hydra’s wounds and preventing regrowth. Similarly, through the use of S.A.R.A., officers in the field are able to work with the community to complete the steps of the model more effectively and eliminate the source of the crimes, not only the individual incidents as they occur. S.A.R.A. allows for law enforcement to be geared more towards pro-active measures, rather than reactive.Officers of the law, both old and new need to be trained properly to implement the S.A.R.A. model with maximum effectiveness. An issue with training is that many people tend to resist change when they are accustomed to performing their duties a certain way. To find out who is the most qualified candidate for training one can use the S.A.R.A. method to determine which officers, or districts need further education in using this method to aid in their duties. Sc an the officers, find out which ones have close ties to the community or have backgrounds in methodologies such as this. Analyze the candidates to determine their specific current needs and future needs. Respond by training the candidates in the appropriate methods and techniques. Finally, assess the results either by crime statistics, or community polling surveys.In the absence of effective training (and supervision), it is easy for police to fall back on familiar ways of dealing with whatever problem is at hand. It is also easier not to make mistakes that way, which is important if there are few positive rewards for doing good community-oriented work. (Skogan 31)Officers trained in using the S.A.R.A. method need the proper tools to fully be effective in utilizing the model. One such tool is the Geographic Information System (GIS). The GIS is a central database of geographic locations that can be used to pinpoint crime locations and buildings associated with crimes for trend analys is. A specific GIS system developed by the New York City Police Department is called CompStat. This tool is used to identify crime ridden areas accurately and allows for a more rapid response due to the availability of data firsthand. New York City developed Compstat to compromise between precincts and Headquarters in terms of dictating operations.Precinct commanders are in a far better position than Headquarters executives to appreciate and meet the particular needs of their communities and to direct the efforts of the 200 to 400 officers they manage. They are also in a better position than beat officers to understand and harmonize the agencys policies with the social dynamics operating within their geographic compass. (NYPD, 2007)S.A.R.A. Analysis not only requires the proper tools, but also a full understanding of what characteristics of a criminal problem are most valuable to focus on. Since each step of the S.A.R.A. method builds on the previous step, it is vital for police to ensure that they are asking the right questions and gathering the right data at each phase. Officers need to determine if there are any current solutions to a problem and if so, why they have failed to work so far. Detailed answers to the questions: who, what, when, where and why are essential to develop at this step. The essence of S.A.R.A. is to focus on the root problem and asking these questions helps to narrow one’s focus. The details of the time, situation, location, and motive are crucial to the decisions of the criminal and thus equally important to the police dealing with the crime. For example, car thieves are more likely to avoid parking lots with strong lighting, closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras and full-time attendants than ones without these forms of security (Ratcliffe).Once a thorough analysis is completed it is time to implement an effective response. Responding to problems identified and analyzed during the first two steps of the S.A.R.A. method can yield both positive and negative reactions from the community. A good example of a conflicted reaction to a problem response is the use of video surveillance. Cameras installed in problem areas allow for the guardians to monitor the situation. Although this may prove handy to officers, many in the community view cameras as an intrusion into their personal lives. â€Å"Since innovative ideas may surface through unique viewpoints, it is at this point that having a broad spectrum of personalities in the work group is an asset†(cj.msu.edu). Oftentimes, having a variety of viewpoints within a S.A.R.A. workgroup can provide an insight for police as to what the community’s reaction to their actions might be, so they can adjust them accordingly.In conclusion, S.A.R.A. acts as a very effective model for law enforcement agencies incorporating a problem and community oriented style of policing. Although it is certainly not a cure for all the ailments that society faces, it does allow for a straightforward and structured means of attacking a problem as its source. According to an abstract from the National Criminal Justice Reference Service, findings from a study on the impact of policing on social disorder â€Å"show that two community policing strategiesdoor-to-door visits and storefront officeswere significantly associated with lower levels of social disorder†(njcjrs.gov). Though some methods of the data collection which is important to S.A.R.A., such as video surveillance, may meet with mixed reactions from members of the community, overall, this model aims to bring the police force and the community together in an effort to reduce crime.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Acting Through the Ages Essay Essays
Acting Through the Ages Essay Essays Acting Through the Ages Essay Paper Acting Through the Ages Essay Paper The art of playing has evolved in many ways over its life-time and continues to germinate to this twenty-four hours. Acting foremost originated in Greece in the sixth century BC with the Grecian tragic histrion Thespis being widely regarded as the laminitis of the profession. This is why. to this twenty-four hours. histrions are frequently referred to as actors. Aristotle. the Grecian philosopher. defined moving as ‘the right direction of the voice to show assorted emotions ‘ and declared it to be a natural endowment that was unconditioned and could non be taught. There are a few antediluvian Greek dramas by Aeschylus. Euripides and Sophocles that survived all moving history and are still performed in the theaters. During the Christian regulation of Rome. moving began to worsen as an art and liturgical play began to be performed throughout the Middle Ages. The tradition was kept alive by jugglers. acrobats and mummers who entertained crowds at town carnivals and the gesture and modulation of histrions began to be mastered through spiritual play performed in church. Acting history so takes an tremendous leap to the sixteenth century. where modern professional playing began to emerge through Italian comedy. William Shakespeare is possibly the most adept of this peculiar manner of dramatist – and surely the best known. Many professional histrions during the Restoration period were famed for their natural endowment and manner but it was non until the eighteenth century that moving was considered a serious profession instead than an inexpert chase. In the mid-18th century. Charles Macklin and his student David Garrick began to present a new. realistic. manner of moving and new motions began to take topographic point across Europe. As moving history evolves. the old. declamatory. manner of moving did non decease out wholly until the beginning of the twentieth century with many popular histrions of this clip looking excessively melodramatic to many modern audiences. With the altering times. gustatory sensations and civilizations came a move off from the declamatory and intense moving manners of past ( with criterions set by the Meiningen Players in 1874 ) and the outgrowth of a new. realistic manner of moving whereby the histrion strives for absolute psychological designation with the character he is playing – the Stanislavski method introduced by Russian manager Konstantin Stanislavski. This method was adopted by the Group Theatre and subsequently by Lee Strasberg bring forthing a coevals of gifted realistic histrions such as Marlon Brando. The debut of gesture image and telecasting amusement began to offer a wealth of chances and associated stardom to draw a bead oning histrions and actresses and began to alter the art of moving forever. In the early twentieth century. the Academy Awards were launched and the profession of moving eventually began to be decently recognised as an admirable and reliable professional chase.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
William the Conqueror
William the Conqueror William the Conqueror was a Duke of Normandy, who fought to regain his power over the duchy, establishing it as a powerful force in France, before completing the successful Norman Conquest of England. Youth William was born to Duke Robert I of Normandy – although he wasn’t Duke until his brother died - and his mistress Herleva c. 1028. There are various legends about her origins, but she was possibly noble. His mother had one more child with Robert ​and married a Norman noble called Herluin, with whom she had two further children, including Odo, later a bishop and regent of England. In 1035 Duke Robert died on pilgrimage, leaving William as his only son and designated heir: Norman lords had sworn to accept William as Robert’s heir, and the King of France had confirmed this. However, William was only eight, and illegitimate - he was known frequently as ‘The Bastard’ - so while the Norman aristocracy initially accepted him as ruler, they did so mindful of their own power. Thanks to still developing succession rights, illegitimacy was not yet a bar to power, but it did make the young William reliant on others. Anarchy Normandy was soon plunged into discord, as ducal authority broke down and all levels of the aristocracy began building their own castles and usurping the powers of William’s government. War was frequently fought between these nobles, and such was the chaos that three of William’s protectors were killed, as was his teacher. It is possible that William’s steward was killed while William slept in the same room. Herleva’s family provided the best shield. William began to play a direct role in Normandy’s affairs when he turned 15 in 1042, and for the next nine years, he forcefully regained royal rights and control, fighting a series of war against rebel nobles. There was vital support from Henry I of France, especially at the battle of Val-es-Dunes in 1047, when the Duke and his King defeated an alliance of Norman leaders. Historians believe that William learned a huge amount about warfare and government through this period of turmoil, and it left him de termined to retain full control over his lands. It may also have left him ruthless and capable of brutality. William also took steps to regain control by reforming the church, and he appointed one of his key allies to the Bishopric of Bayeux in 1049. This was Odo, William’s half-brother by Herleva, and he took the position aged only 16. Nevertheless, he proved a loyal and able servant, and the church grew strong under his control. The Rise of Normandy By the late 1040s the situation in Normandy had settled to the extent that William was able to take part in politics outside his lands, and he fought for Henry of France against the Geoffrey Martel, Count of Anjou, in Maine. Trouble soon returned at home, and William was forced to once more fight a rebellion, and a new dimension was added when Henry and Geoffrey allied against William. With a mixture of luck – the enemy forces outside Normandy did not coordinate with those in, although William’s alacrity contributed here – and tactical skill, William defeated them all. He also outlived Henry and Geoffrey, who died in 1060 and were succeeded by more congenial rulers, and William secured Maine by 1063. He was accused of poisoning rivals to the region but this is widely believed to be just rumor. Nevertheless, it is interesting that he opened his attack on Maine by claiming the recently deceased Count Herbert of Maine had promised William his land should the count die without a son, and that Herbert had become a vassal of William’s in exchange for the county. William would claim a similar promise again shortly after, in England. By 1065, Normandy was settled and the lands surrounding it had been pacified, through politics, military action, and some lucky deaths. This left William as the dominant aristocrat in north France, and he was free to take on a grand project if one arose; it soon did. William married in 1052/3, to the daughter of the Baldwin V of Flanders, even though the Pope had ruled the marriage as illegal due to consanguinity. It may have taken until 1059 for William to work his way back into the good graces of the papacy, although he may have done so very quickly – we have conflicting sources - and he founded two monasteries while doing so. He had four sons, three of whom would go on to rule. The Crown of England The link between the Norman and English ruling dynasties had started in 1002 with a marriage and had continued when the Edward – later known as ‘the Confessor’ – had fled from Cnut’s invading force and taken shelter at the Norman court. Edward had retaken the English throne but grew old and childless, and at some stage during the 1050s there may have been negotiations between Edward and William over the right of the latter to succeed, but it is unlikely. Historians don’t know for certain what really happened, but William claimed he had been promised the crown. He also claimed that another claimant, Harold Godwineson, the most powerful noble in England, had sworn an oath to support William’s claim while on a visit to Normandy. Norman sources support William, and Anglo-Saxons ones support Harold, who claimed Edward had really given Harold the throne as the king lay dying. Either way, when Edward died in 1066 William claimed the throne and announced he would invade to take it off Harold and he had to persuade a council of Norman nobles who felt this was too risky a venture. William quickly gathered an invasion fleet which included noblemen from across France – a sign of William’s high reputation as a leader - and may have gained support from the Pope. Critically, he also took measures to ensure Normandy would remain loyal while he was absent, including giving key allies greater powers. The fleet tried to sail later that year, but weather conditions delayed it, and William eventually sailed on September 27th, landing the next day. Harold had been forced to march north to fight another invading claimant, Harald Hardrada, at Stamford Bridge. Harald marched south and took up a defensive position at Hastings. William attacked, and the Battle of Hastings followed in which Harold and significant portions of the English aristocracy were killed. William followed the victory by intimidating the country, and he was able to be crowned King of England in London on Christmas Day. King of England, Duke of Normandy William adopted some of the government he found in England, such as the sophisticated Anglo-Saxon exchequer and laws, but he also imported large numbers of loyal men from the continent to both reward them and hold his new kingdom. William now had to crush rebellions in England, and on occasion did it brutally. Even so, after 1072 he spent the majority of his time back in Normandy, dealing with recalcitrant subjects there. The borders of Normandy proved problematic, and William had to deal with a new generation of warring neighbors and a stronger French king. Through a mixture of negotiation and warfare, he tried to secure the situation, with some successes. There were more rebellions in England, including a conspiracy involving Waltheof, the last English earl, and when William had him executed there was great opposition; the chronicles like to use this as the start of a perceived decline in William’s fortunes. In 1076 William suffered his first major military defeat, to the King of France, at Dol. More problematic, William fell out with his eldest son Robert, who rebelled, raised an army, made allies of William’s enemies and started raiding Normandy. It is possible the father and son may even have fought in hand to hand in one battle. A peace was negotiated and Robert was confirmed as heir to Normandy. William also fell out with his brother, bishop and sometime regent Odo, who was arrested and imprisoned. Odo may have been about to bribe and threaten his way into the papacy, and if so William objected to the large number of troops Odo was planning to take from England to aid him. While trying to retake Mantes he suffered an injury – possibly while on horseback - which proved fatal. On his deathbed William made a compromise, giving his son Robert his French lands and William Rufus England. He died on September 9th, 1087 aged 60. As he died he asked for prisoners to be released, all except Odo. William’s body was so fat it did not fit into the prepared tomb and burst out with a sickening smell. Aftermath William’s place in English history is assured, as he completed one of the few successful conquests of that island, and transforming the makeup of the aristocracy, the pattern of the land, and the nature of culture for centuries. Normans, and their French language and customs, dominated, even though William adopted much of the Anglo-Saxon machinery of government. England was also tied closely to France, and William transformed his duchy from anarchic into the most powerful north French holding, creating tensions between the crowns of England and France which would also last for centuries. In the later years of his reign, William commissioned in England a survey of land use and value known as the Domesday Book, one of the key documents of the medieval era. He also bought the Norman church into England and, under the theological leadership of Lanfranc, changed the nature of English religion. William was a physically imposing man, strong early on, but very fat in later life, which became a source of amusement to his enemies. He was notably pious but, in an age of common brutality, stood out for his cruelty. It’s been said he never killed a prisoner who might later be useful and was cunning, aggressive and devious. William was probably faithful in his marriage, and this may have been the consequence of shame he felt in his youth as an illegitimate son.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Improving English Language Fluency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Improving English Language Fluency - Essay Example Let us discuss some of the most effective strategies that can be used by the teachers to enhance students’ fluency. Classroom Activities Some of the most effective ways, which can be used to improve fluency of the whole group, include telling students how to make correct use of verbs and improving students’ vocabulary and pronunciation. Eight weeks are enough for the teachers to make their students proficient in the use of verbs and vocabulary. Using this two-month strategy, teachers first educate students how to use different tenses, verbs, and phrases in writing and speaking. After that, teachers improve vocabulary and pronunciation of the students. In the end, teachers assess students’ learning by taking tests. 1. Use of Verbs, Collocations, and idioms The duration of first part of the strategy is one month. The first two weeks are reserved for improving use of verbs, phrases, discourse markers, and tenses whereas third week is reserved for educating students how to make use of idioms and phrases in sentences. Last week is spared for evaluation in which teachers give writing exercises to the students to check their level of understanding. Teachers also check speaking fluency by giving oral and written exercises to the students. This part of the strategy is a very productive step towards improving students’ knowledge regarding use of verbs and collocations. It makes students learn how to make correct use of words. Teachers can use this strategy to improve the word study and speaking fluency of the whole classroom. Although foreign people can read and write English correctly but when it comes to speaking, things become difficult for such speakers because they cannot integrate correct forms of verbs in their sentences. Word identification, understanding, and integration are the three major steps in improving language fluency. A student should be able to identify the words, understand their meanings, and use those words to develop sen tences. The purpose of making students aware of correct use of verbs and tenses is to help them generate correct sentences quickly. 2. Improving Students’ Vocabulary and Pronunciation Once the teachers make students perfect in the use of correct verbs and tenses, they start improving students’ vocabulary and pronunciation. Improving students’ vocabulary and pronunciation is the second part of the strategy, which also comprises of one month. In the first one and a half weeks, teachers ask students to read English newspapers and consult dictionary for improving their vocabulary. In the second one and a half weeks, teachers shift their focus towards improving pronunciation of the students. To accomplish his tasks, teachers encourage their students to watch English news channels, movies, and talk shows to know correct pronunciations of the words. In the last week of the strategy, teachers take comprehensive tests of the students to assess students’ vocabulary and pronunciation. The tests include tasks, such as, making students speak different words and asking them to write some sentences on different topics. Many of the foreign English speakers are not familiar with the words used in English language. They cannot communicate properly what comes in their minds because
Monday, February 3, 2020
The chemical element of Fe2+ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The chemical element of Fe2+ - Essay Example Nanopure water and a factor of 4 with 1M HCl dilutes unknown measured mass. Recordings from voltmeter make it possible for the use of end-point calculation, and Fe2+ concentration in the unknown (2). The actual weight of ceric (IV) ammonium nitrate undergoes division by the molecular weight of the final volume of the solution to come up with Ce4+ concentration that is expected. Equation (1) and the table (1) numeric values are essential in the calculation of the Ce4+solution, expected to be 0.100M in concentration. 1M HCl preparation Since only 12M HCl is given, then nanopure water aids in preparing the 1M HCl by dilution. Notably, results from equation (2) evident the preparation of 1.00M, HCl concentration. Standardization titration Hereby, only two titrations that are slow is counted out of the three in the process. Data from the second titration is revealed in figure 1 and table 3.Volume is calculated using both equation (3) and (4) and first voltage derivative respectively. The slope of the voltage represents the value of the first derivative throughout the whole titration. Moreover, the end-point on titration graph coincides with the maximum point of the first derivative graph. Following this, it is easy and clear to find the end- product of titration. However, the end-point on the titration graph is the same as the maximum point on the first derivative graph. Following this, 19.1mL of Ce4+ in solution forms end-point, which is in red on the table and again represented by the red arrow on the graph 1.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
An Introduction to the airline industry
An Introduction to the airline industry The airline industry is a very competitive market, in the past 2 decades the industry have expanded and still expanding its routes domestic and globally in the beginning airline industry was partly government owned but in the recent years many privatization with airline industry have taken place. D E L A G (Deutsche Luftschiffahrts-Akiengesellschaft ) the first worlds first airline which was on the 16 November 1909 this airline was started mainly with the government owned/assistance this airship manufacturers were the Zeppelin Corporation and their head quarters was in Frankfurt. The two Americans named Rufus and Marriott tried to start the Americas first airline but the attempts were failed due to the airline catching fire. The five airline which was first started still exist these airlines are the oldest ones. KLM its the Netherlands owned, Avianca airlines owned by the Columbia. Qantas is Australians, Czech Airlines operated by the Czech Republic, Mexican Airlines by the Mexico. A fter the world wars there was some inventions have been made and the demand for new planes the designs and the techniques have greatly constructed and soon after the world wars the air rout throughout the Europe have been set up since the past 15 years the airline route have became a baggiest necessity of both business and common peoples that it is hard to live without the air travel the main pros for the Air travel is it reduces time and making the peoples to visit world in the affordable time. The airline industry can be categorized into four different and main Operations International: This service take more than130 passengers and have them and can take anywhere in the world. In this category the business have its revenue for at least $ 1bn. National: In this category it can take the passengers up to 150 and the business have its revenue for from $100 m $1bn Regional: The small companies which mainly focus on the flights with quick halts and the revenue of this business is less than $ 100 m. Cargo: The main focus of these airlines is to carry goods. Emirates (airline) introduction and its growth: Emirates airline is the major airline of the UAE and it is the subsidiary of the Emirates group it is also the national airline of the UAE (Dubai) its major operations is from the Dubai International Airport. It was founded in the year 25th October 1985 The Hub of the Emirates airlines operates its services to the ninety six (96) destinations and about 56 countries and covering around 6 continents. The company also operates the worlds longest flights to New York, los angles and other two states in Unites States of America including Houston (Texas) the cargo services of this airline is operated by the Emirates Cargo services Division at present the Emirates group has more than 40,000 Employees Employed and it is the one of the top 10 world class airlines in the world. Emirates group as a new and young company faces problems back in 1980s when the gulf airways cut down its flights to Dubai the rescue of help from the Dubai royal family invested $10 million in order to begin, the head of the airlines was sheikh Ahmad Bin Saeed al Makhtoom and he is also the present chairman since then the airlines have made its growth in the fleet and also have expanded its destinations. Emirates Airlines Growth and Incorporation: Emirates group have made tremendous efforts to grow since 1990, research shows that Emirates is one of the fastest growing airline in the world since the Emirates group have made partnership with AA (American Airlines) in 1994 it started providing the world class service to the passengers throughout the world soon after the partnership Emirates revenue turned to $634 M in the end of 2004, then after the airlines ordered 7 new Boeing 777 in 1996 costs about $1 Billion. In May 1998 Emirates enter into the agreement with Sri Lankan Air Lines to manage the airlines for 10 year In the year 2008 Emirates launched its nonstop flight to New York. In the year 2010 Emirates group have launched its flights to many new destinations in UK, Paris, Bangkok, Australia, and Saudi Arabia Do you agree with performance linked reward system? Summarize the recent trends of reward system in your organization or the organization you have chosen. Discuss its impact on productivity in your organization Performance linked reward system: The most important way to impress employees is only by reward to share the profits and allow them incentives by paying them bonuses the theory of reward system says that this is the way the employees will share in your dream when you fulfill their dream. The mechanism of this system can make this possible. The reward system is not just paying the bonuses and letting employees shares in the stock options. It is more likely to do with promotions, benefits and other incentives which can motivate employees unfortunately many companies do not offer this which leads to the failure of their organization so all the employers and I should agree with the reward system to sustain in the market with the competitors. (Donna Dee prose P: 33) The basic principle of reward system is that, you get what you reward the Employees. The main principle of management is things are done quickly if you reward the Employees, they shows positive attitude towards their works and their behavior changes if you reward them for their work. If you set a certain target for the employees and when they achieve it reward them immediately failure to do so will affect the results in the future and never hold behind the employees rewards. Therefore the main principle of motivation is by providing rewards and every organization should agree with this system for a successful organization. Benefits in working with airline industry (Emirates): Individuals interested in finding a job which can provide a good career prospects which will provide the option to travel the entire world and enjoying all the benefits as a part of the Emirates group then its hard to find the better industry than airlines and specially working for the Emirates one of the worlds best flight. There are number of benefits packages for the employees and career development programmers the group provides. In the further studies about the airline industry in the Unites States Of America there are nearly 100 airlines and 500,000 peoples are employed by them many of the positions provide excellent benefit packages, Emirates as world class airlines travels to providing services in 56 countries and expected to be added more in 2010 creates more job opportunities than the USA and runs a great reward system. Emirates Group: Emirates Group as a world class airline provides a very wide range generous benefits to the permanent employees who are employed globally. The group follows a detailed research and analysis on compensation and benefits policies by doing so the group can retain the top talented employees. This case study provides the understanding of the total benefits working for the Emirates, the reward system the company includes the cash and non cash elements. The Summary explains the basic elements of the Emirates group reward for the employees, this explanation for the compensation and reward system provides the information for the candidates working for the emirates group depending on what are their role and the unique skills and personality. The Najm award scheme is the reward and recognition program me of the Emirates Group. The Najm (Star in Arabic) recognizes, motivates and awards employees that either display exceptional behavioral competencies (going the extra mile) or identifies organizational improvements (enhanced safety, reduced cost or improved revenue) Cash elements rewards in emirates group Competitive salary and progression through salary range Emirates employees enjoy the competitive salary into cash; depending on the country they like E.g. The employees working in Dubai and K.S.A enjoy the tax free salary per month and rest all countries pays the normal tax depending on their countys legislations. Salaries are paid depending on their role and knowledge and specialization that the candidate can input into the role, the group carries a research with the relevant businesses and reviews on regular basis in order to remain competitive in providing the rewards to their employees. Employees receives the increase in salary range by the company when the responsibilities have been increased it is provided to keep employees motivates as money is a biggest motivator and used to divert route of employees to a desirable direction. Allowances The Group provides the accommodation for their employees or they give out the allowances for accommodation and it also provides the transport allowance or transport. The candidates in specific roles are only eligible for this role. Profit share schemes The company runs the profit share schemes to the employees depending on the financial statements of the group. Protection in exchange rate scheme The employees who works in the UAE their 50% of the salary is protected against adverse exchange rate towards dirham and your currency classification Professional allowance For the employees who possess the specialization skills company runs the scheme of recognizing their talents. Non Cash elements rewards in Emirates Group Annual leave The company provides 30 days of the annual leave excluding the public holidays. The annual leave will increase depending on the length of service. Gratuity/pension schemes Company runs a gratuity/pension schemes depending of the labor law rules and regulations of the country they work/ live in. For example in UK, if an employee signs up for the pensions Schemes Company deducts certain amount and pays monthly pension after the retirement age. The UAE labor law the employees are provided a gratuity on the end of service. This type of service is available to the candidates depending of the conditions like of employment and circumstances. Free holiday tickets Free holidays tickets are provided to the employees and their dependants/family for the destinations of their holiday and also runs schemes that employees can buy a ticket for the families and friends on the discounted fare. Education allowances Company provides financial support for their employees towards their tuition fees for the employees who are on senior positions to train them to requisite job skills besides these childrens of employees are allowed to claim the education allowance for the time of entire time of service. Insurance Insurances like Medical, Dental, life and Accident are provided to the employees throughout the length of service they are with the company. Provident funds On leaving the company employees are provided the provident fund that they have been saving throughout the service company decides either to pay the Gratuity or provident fund whichever is the higher the provident fund is like the long time savings of an employee with the company employee have to contribute 5% and company inputs 12% of the basic salary. Emirates card Emirates employees enjoy the privilege of being an emirates employee they can enjoys the benefits throughout the 1000s of outlets of the emirates group in UK and around the world. . Additional reward system in Emirates Group  Recognition reward from supervisors Employees with emirates enjoys the rewards from the supervisors when they feel the value of the candidate that they are performing consistently this the simple way to say thanks by words or by writing a thanks giving letter or by providing them an appraisal.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Reflective Writing of Gifted Hands-the Ben Carson Story Essay
â€Å"Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story†is a true story movie that revolves on the life of Benjamin â€Å"Ben†Carson who overcome poverty, racism, and a violent temper to become a world-renowned Pediatric Neurosurgeon that gives him a great credit in the field of Medicine. In his early years, he is the dumbest student in their class that made her mother come up on a decision on urging them (Ben and his brother Curtis) to start reading books in the Detroit Public Library because she doesn’t want her children will end up like her. Before long, Ben moved from the bottom of the class to the top. As he enters the world of Medicine as a Pediatric Neurosurgeon in John Hopkins Hospital, he successfully performed a ground-breaking surgery separating conjoined Siamese twins who were born joined at the head (this complex surgery has never been achieved before without casualties). It was a milestone in neurosurgery, but was far from the only worth mentioning achievement o f Carson’s career. For me, the most noteworthy event in the movie was when his Ben’s mother imparted him, â€Å"You can do anything that anyone else can do, only you can do it better.†This excerpt was intended for Ben to be encouraged and to boost his confidence to pursue with his undertakings to be the best he can be. He slowly discovers that his brain is indeed capable of both intelligent and creative thought. It’s a discovery – the miracle of human brain – that completely changes his life and shapes the course of his future. Learning developed when this excerpt was imparted, for me the gist of the excerpt is there’s nothing impossible if we just think that we can do our best, it just takes courage, self-confidence, self-efficacy and faith in God. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage. This is similar to Bandura’s Self-Efficacy Theory. Bandura’s theory emphasizes the role of observational learning, social experience, and reciprocal determinism in the development of personality. According to Bandura, a person’s attitudes, abilities, and cognitive skills comprise what is known as the self-system. This system plays a major role in how we perceive situations and how we behave in response to different situations. Self-efficacy plays an essential part of this self-system. According to Albert Bandura, self-efficacy is â€Å"the belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations†(1995, p. 2). In other words, self-efficacy is a person’s belief in his or her ability to succeed in a particular situation. Bandura described these beliefs as determinants of how people think, behave, and feel (1994). Since Bandura published his seminal 1977 paper, â€Å"Self-Efficacy: Toward a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change,†the subject has become one of the most studied topics in psychology. (http://psychology.about.com/od/theoriesofpersonality/a/self_efficacy.htm). Because in Bandura’s Theory of Self-Efficacy verifies that self-efficacy can have an impact on everything from psychological state to behavior to motivation while people with high self-efficacy – that is, those who believe they can perform wellâ€â€are more likely to view difficult tasks as something to be mastered rather than something to be avoided. Like in the Bandura’s Theory of Self-Efficacy this reveals that it is how one judges one’s own competence to complete tasks, ability to perform well and reach goals. Self-efficacy affects every area of human endeavour, by determining the beliefs a person holds regarding his or her power to affect situations, thus strongly influencing both the power a person actually has to face challenges and the choices a person is mostly likely to make. These effects are particularly apparent, and compelling, with regards to behaviors affecting health. It is distinct both from efficacy and from self-esteem, confidence, and self-concept. Understanding how to foster the development of self-efficacy is important for policymakers, educators, and others in leadership positions, and to anyone seeking to build a happier, more productive life. Just like in Ben Carson’s story when he was hesitating on pursuing the operation between the Siamese twins because this surgery wasn’t successfully achieve or accepted before. But with the words of encouragement of his mother, he immediately conducted some research like reading books and applying his stock knowledge. Through these, he successful run the operation on the Rausch twins and that made him carve his name in popularity. Having watched the movie â€Å"Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story†I realize that in life we must believe in ourselves. Believe in our strength, capabilities, and have faith in God. Like in the story of Ben Carson after realizing the words of her mother, he slowly discovers that his brain is indeed capable of both intelligent and creative thought. It’s a discovery – the miracle of human brain – that completely changes his life and shapes the course of his future. Furthermore, I learned that we must not put some barriers or limitations immediately on the things we think we can’t do. Don’t belittle yourself and neglect things right away. Have After watching the movie, I have significantly improved my perception of self-confidence to achieve anything even the impossible. This makes me feel that self-confidence my key to every achievement of goals and even surpassing some difficulties in life. This perception will be a useful tool to me as learner because to be able to succeed in life is to face some up’s and down’s of life with full courage and there will be no courage if self-confidence is missing. As a next step, I need to be open-minded in all possibilities that could happen, even it will be an achievement or misfortune, and ready to face them with courage and faith in God.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Capital Punishment Essay - The Fatal State of the...
The Fatal State of the Death-Penalty System In 1997, the state of Florida botched Pedro Medinas execution. When the switch was flipped on the 50-year-old electric chair, nicknamed Old Sparky, the mask covering Medinas face caught on fire. Flames up to a foot long shot of his face for 6-10 seconds. A thick, black smoke filled the room, and the prison guards closed the curtain, hiding the rest of the job from the shocked witnesses. Bob Butterworth, then Floridas attorney general, said that Medinas agonizing death would be a deterrent to crime. People who want to commit murder, he said, better not do so in Florida because we may have a problem with our electric chair. Such cases are likely to horrify death penalty†¦show more content†¦There is no telling how many more of the approximately 3,600 people awaiting execution are not guilty, but it is worth noting that 87 men have been freed from death row since 1977, with three already released this year. †¢ A newly-released study of 62 inmates cleared by DNA evidence demonstrates that mistaken eyewitness testimony was involved in 84% of the wrongful convictions (San Francisco Chronicle, 2/16/00). †¢ A February 2000 Gallup Poll showed that death-penalty support is at a 19-year low. †¢ The United States is the only Western democracy that still carries out executions. Since 1976, 41 other countries have abolished the death penalty. †¢ Every year, New Jersey pays $22.8 million for the death-penalty process. Per person, life imprisonment costs about $850,000. (National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty). †¢ There is no conclusive evidence that the death penalty deters crime. The murder rate remained constant in Texas between 1984, when the state started speeding up its execution rate, and 1997. †¢ In 1998, there were 18, 209 murders. Prosecutors ask for the death penalty in a fraction of cases, juries only approve it in a third of those, and one-half of theShow MoreRelatedThe Death Penalty : A Fact Finding Report Essay1514 Words  | 7 PagesThe Death Penalty: A Fact-Finding Report The Death Penalty, also, known as, Capital Punishment, is the sentence of execution, for serious crimes punishable by death, through means prescribed by congress, through laws agreed upon by state legislatures (uslegal.com). Since, the first laws were established in the eighteenth-century, the topic of capital punishment has been met with vast amounts of controversy. 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