Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Cultural Exchange Between Europeans And Native Americans
The one most historically significant effect of the cultural exchange between Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans is racism. Racism is such a huge effect from this cultural exchange because the Europeans and Native Americans relationship was ruined by the Europeans thinking they were superior to them, the Europeans turned to Africans for trade as well as labor to build their society in the Americas knowing that they were lesser than themselves, and finally Europeans could build a new world because they created race-based slavery. This exchange during this period of 1492 to 1700 brought a lot of change, and usually this change happened by force. The Europeans believed they were smarter and more superior which led them to think that they could just control whomever and take over whatever they pleased. The Europeans basically created race-based slave labor in order for them to successfully build their own economy and have laborers colonize the Americas. The Europeans first c ame to the Americas looking for riches like gold and land. When they got here they found Native Americans along with land. According to Thomas Hariot and Christopher Columbus, the Indians were poor and easily persuaded. They thought that they could be easily influenced by European culture. Thomas Hariot said â€Å"they shoulde desire our friendships and love, and have the greater respect for pleasing and obeying us.†(2-4) Christopher Columbus said â€Å"They should be good servants andShow MoreRelatedChristopher Columbus Discovery Of The Americas919 Words  | 4 PagesChristopher Columbus’ discovery of the Americas set the precedent for the European conquest of it. In fact, his tactics of taking land, wealth, and labor from the indigenous populations were carried out by many of the Europeans who later came to the Americas. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, whose country eventually benefited from this endeavor, financially supported Columbus. 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