Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Cultural Exchange Between Europeans And Native Americans
The one most historically significant effect of the cultural exchange between Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans is racism. Racism is such a huge effect from this cultural exchange because the Europeans and Native Americans relationship was ruined by the Europeans thinking they were superior to them, the Europeans turned to Africans for trade as well as labor to build their society in the Americas knowing that they were lesser than themselves, and finally Europeans could build a new world because they created race-based slavery. This exchange during this period of 1492 to 1700 brought a lot of change, and usually this change happened by force. The Europeans believed they were smarter and more superior which led them to think that they could just control whomever and take over whatever they pleased. The Europeans basically created race-based slave labor in order for them to successfully build their own economy and have laborers colonize the Americas. The Europeans first c ame to the Americas looking for riches like gold and land. When they got here they found Native Americans along with land. According to Thomas Hariot and Christopher Columbus, the Indians were poor and easily persuaded. They thought that they could be easily influenced by European culture. Thomas Hariot said â€Å"they shoulde desire our friendships and love, and have the greater respect for pleasing and obeying us.†(2-4) Christopher Columbus said â€Å"They should be good servants andShow MoreRelatedChristopher Columbus Discovery Of The Americas919 Words  | 4 PagesChristopher Columbus’ discovery of the Americas set the precedent for the European conquest of it. In fact, his tactics of taking land, wealth, and labor from the indigenous populations were carried out by many of the Europeans who later came to the Americas. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, whose country eventually benefited from this endeavor, financially supported Columbus. However , not all people included benefited from Columbus’ ‘discovery’ of the Americas. It also led to the decimationRead MoreNegative Effects Of Colonialism1445 Words  | 6 Pagescolonialism brought civilization to minority communities in the form of formal education, improved technology, religion, improved infrastructure, and increased trade. Although economic growth and political stability were the outcomes of European imperialism in Native territories, these positive effects are outweighed by the massive loss of lives, widespread loss of autonomy, extensive loss of land, and loss of culture through assimilation that aboriginal societies suffered in the hands of colonialistsRead MoreCultural Impact Of The Columbian Exchange1153 Words  | 5 PagesThe Columbian Exchange brought direct changed that modified the cultural characteristics of many people. Though religion was a weapon of domination, it was food that created a great cultural impact. This paper will foc us on the cultural impact that food had in the world, and how much Native American food contributed to the economy and culture of the entire planet. The Columbian Exchange started after Christopher Columbus’ â€Å"discovery†in 1942 of a New World. This discovery lent to the entire WesternRead MoreThe Positive Effects Of The Columbian Exchange1643 Words  | 7 PagesThe term â€Å"Columbian Exchange†refers to the massive transfer of life between the Afro-Eurasian and American hemispheres that was precipitated by Columbus’ voyage to the New World . It was known as the widespread interchange of plants, animals, diseases, culture, human populations and technology between Europe and the Americas. After Columbus’ arrival to the Americas, the plant, animal and bacterial life began to mix between the Americas, which was also referred to as the â€Å"New World†and Europe,Read MoreThe Columbian Exchange : The Transatlantic Exchange Of Plants, Animals, And Ideas876 Words  | 4 PagesColumbian Exchange was the transatlantic exchange of plants, animals, and ideas that occurred after the fi rst European contact with the Americas. (1) Author and historian Dr. Alfred Crosby is credited with developing the term (3). Rather than an established system, the Columbian Exchange refers to an era in which the Eastern hemisphere and the Western hemisphere exchanged goods and ideas, and cultural influences were explored between the peoples of Europe and the Native American tribes. The exchange beganRead More Native Peoples in New England Essay example1579 Words  | 7 Pages Native American history spans tens of thousands of thousands of years and two continents. It is a multifaceted story of dynamic cultures that in turn spawned intricate economic relationships and complex political alliances. Through it all, the relationship of First Peoples to the land has remained a central theme. Though Native Americans of the region today known as New England share similar languages and cultures, known as Eastern Algonquian, they are not one political or social group. RatherRead MoreThe Great Lakes Region By Richard White1366 Words  | 6 Pagesrefreshing perspective on the Great Lakes region during the colonial and early national periods in regards to the developing relationships between the intrusive French, British, Americans and the indigenous Native Americans. The Middle Ground: Indians, Empires and Republics in the Great Lakes Region effectively links Native American history to broader themes in American history. 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The result of this was The Columbian Exchange in which there was a large trade of animals, plants, technology, culture, slaves, diseases, and even new religions. This exchange effected the way Europeans, Americans, Asians, and Africans lived their daily lives. The Columbian exchange was by far one of the mostRead MoreEssay on The Effects of Colonization on the Native Americans539 Words  | 3 PagesEffects of Colonization on the Native Americans Native Americans had inherited the land now called America and eventually their lives were destroyed due to European Colonization. When the Europeans arrived and settled, they changed the Native American way of life for the worst. These changes were caused by a number of factors including disease, loss of land, attempts to export religion, and laws, which violated Native American culture. Native Americans never came in contact with diseases
Monday, December 16, 2019
Part Two Chapter II Free Essays
II Edward Collins Co., the Pagford solicitors, occupied the upper floor of a terraced brick house, with an optician’s on the ground floor. Edward Collins was deceased and his firm comprised two men: Gavin Hughes who was the salaried partner, with one window in his office, and Miles Mollison, who was the equity partner, with two windows. We will write a custom essay sample on Part Two Chapter II or any similar topic only for you Order Now They shared a secretary who was twenty-eight, single, plain but with a good figure. Shona laughed too long at all Miles’ jokes, and treated Gavin with a patronage that was almost offensive. ‘Mary’s called. There’s a bit of a glitch with Barry’s life insurance. She wants me to help her sort it.’ ‘Right, well, you can handle that, can’t you? I’ll be back at two, anyway.’ Miles slipped on his overcoat, jogged down the steep stairs and walked briskly up the rain-swept little street that led to the Square. A momentary break in the clouds caused sunlight to flood the glistening war memorial and the hanging baskets. Miles experienced a rush of atavistic pride as he hurried across the Square towards Mollison and Lowe, that Pagford institution, that classiest of emporia; a pride that familiarity had never blighted, but rather deepened and ripened. The bell tinkled at the door as Miles pushed it open. There was something of a lunchtime rush on: a queue of eight waited at the counter and Howard, in his mercantile regalia, fisherman’s flies glinting in his deerstalker, was in full tongue. ‘†¦ and a quarter of black olives, Rosemary, to you. Nothing else, now? Nothing else for Rosemary †¦ that’ll be eight pounds, sixty-two pence; we’ll call it eight, my love, in light of our long and fruitful association †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Giggles and gratitude; the rattle and crash of the till. ‘And here’s my lawyer, come to check up on me,’ boomed Howard, winking and chuckling over the heads of the queue at Miles. ‘If you’ll wait for me in the back, sir, I’ll try not to say anything incriminating to Mrs Howson †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Miles smiled at the middle-aged ladies, who beamed back. Tall, with thick, close-cropped greying hair, big round blue eyes, his paunch disguised by his dark overcoat, Miles was a reasonably attractive addition to the hand-baked biscuits and local cheeses. He navigated his way carefully between the little tables piled high with delicacies and paused at the big arch hewn between delicatessen and the old shoe shop, which was denuded of its protective plastic curtain for the first time. Maureen (Miles recognized the handwriting) had put up a sign on a sandwich board in the middle of the arch: No Entry. Coming Soon †¦ The Copper Kettle. Miles peered through into the clean, spare space that would soon be Pagford’s newest and best cafe; it was plastered and painted, with freshly varnished black boards underfoot. He sidled around the corner of the counter and edged past Maureen, who was operating the meat slicer, affording her the opportunity for a gruff and ribald laugh, then ducked through the door that led into the dingy little back room. Here was a Formica table, on which Maureen’s Daily Mail lay folded; Howard and Maureen’s coats hanging on hooks, and a door leading to the lavatory, which exuded a scent of artificial lavender. Miles hung up his overcoat and drew up an old chair to the table. Howard appeared a minute or two later, bearing two heaped plates of delicatessen fare. ‘Definitely decided on the â€Å"Copper Kettle†then?’ asked Miles. ‘Well, Mo likes it,’ said Howard, setting down a plate in front of his son. He lumbered out, returned with two bottles of ale, and closed the door with his foot so that the room was enveloped in a windowless gloom relieved only by the dim pendant light. Howard sat down with a deep grunt. He had been conspiratorial on the telephone mid-morning, and kept Miles waiting a few moments longer while he flipped off the lid of one bottle. ‘Wall’s sent his forms in,’ he said at last, handing over the beer. ‘Ah,’ said Miles. ‘I’m going to set a deadline. Two weeks from today for everyone to declare.’ ‘Fair enough,’ said Miles. ‘Mum reckons this Price bloke is still interested. Have you asked Sam if she knows who he is yet?’ ‘No,’ said Miles. Howard scratched an underfold of the belly that rested close to his knees as he sat on the creaking chair. ‘Everything all right with you and Sam?’ Miles admired, as always, his father’s almost psychic intuition. ‘Not great.’ He would not have confessed it to his mother, because he tried not to fuel the constant cold war between Shirley and Samantha, in which he was both hostage and prize. ‘She doesn’t like the idea of me standing,’ Miles elaborated. Howard raised his fair eyebrows, his jowls wobbling as he chewed. ‘I don’t bloody know what’s got into her. She’s on one of her anti-Pagford kicks.’ Howard took his time swallowing. He dabbed at his mouth with a paper napkin and burped. ‘She’ll come round quickly enough once you’re in,’ he said. ‘The social side of it. Plenty for the wives. Functions at Sweetlove House. She’ll be in her element.’ He took another swig of ale and scratched his belly again. ‘I can’t picture this Price,’ said Miles, returning to the essential point, ‘but I’ve got a feeling he had a kid in Lexie’s class at St Thomas’s.’ ‘Fields-born, though, that’s the thing,’ said Howard. ‘Fields-born, which could work to our advantage. Split the pro-Fields vote between him and Wall.’ ‘Yeah,’ said Miles. ‘Makes sense.’ ‘I haven’t heard of anyone else. It’s possible, once details hit the website, someone else’ll come forward. But I’m confident about our chances. I’m confident. Aubrey called,’ Howard added. There was always a touch of additional portentousness in Howard’s tone when he used Aubrey Fawley’s Christian name. ‘Right behind you, goes without saying. He’s back this evening. He’s been in town.’ Usually, when a Pagfordian said ‘in town’, they meant ‘in Yarvil’. Howard and Shirley used the phrase, in imitation of Aubrey Fawley, to mean ‘in London’. ‘He mentioned something about us all getting together for a chat. Maybe tomorrow. Might even invite us over to the house. Sam’d like that.’ Miles had just taken a large bite of soda bread and liver pate, but he conveyed his agreement with an emphatic nod. He liked the idea that Aubrey Fawley was ‘right behind’ him. Samantha might jeer at his parents’ thraldom to the Fawleys, but Miles noticed that on those rare occasions when Samantha came face to face with either Aubrey or Julia, her accent changed subtly and her demeanour became markedly more demure. ‘Something else,’ said Howard, scratching his belly again. ‘Got an email from the Yarvil and District Gazette this morning. Asking for my views on the Fields. As chair of the Parish Council.’ ‘You’re kidding? I thought Fairbrother had stitched that one up – ‘ ‘Backfired, didn’t it?’ said Howard, with immense satisfaction. ‘They’re going to run his article, and they want someone to argue against the following week. Give them the other side of the story. I’d appreciate a hand. Lawyer’s turn of phrase, and all that.’ ‘No problem,’ said Miles. ‘We could talk about that bloody addiction clinic. That’d make the point.’ ‘Yes – very good idea – excellent.’ In his enthusiasm, he had swallowed too much at once and Miles had to bang him on the back until his coughing had subsided. At last, dabbing his watering eyes with a napkin, Howard said breathlessly, ‘Aubrey’s recommending the District cuts funding from their end, and I’m going to put it to our lot that it’s time to terminate the lease on the building. It wouldn’t hurt to make the case in the press. How much time and money’s gone into that bloody place with nothing to show for it. I’ve got the figures.’ Howard burped sonorously. ‘Bloody disgraceful. Pardon me.’ How to cite Part Two Chapter II, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Crunch Time free essay sample
Down two points in double overtime, Im on the sideline waiting to e subbed in. One knee to the floor, weat trickles down my face as I anxiously clench the collar of my damp jersey. Pressure is beginning to build in my gut, and my heart is pounding faster by the second. I nervously glance over the bright red lights on the score board reading .30 seconds in the 4th quarter. Thoughts of losing began to flood my mind, when suddenly Slam, crash! #3 Lexi Gonzales takes a charge Foul, 2 shots the ref screams! The crowd begns to roar, and jump to their feet Lady pirates is echoing the gym walls. My entire team, including myself and the bench, jump in excitment. As the continuous applause begins tofade. The ref then looks my direction, points one hand towards me, and waves me in. I take a brief pause of relief, then it hits me game time. We will write a custom essay sample on Crunch Time or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Screech, squeak my shoes sound, gaining traction as I shuffle onto the court. I fill the lower key, right side of the hoop for our post, Jazmyne #5. As the ref bounce passes the ball to Lexi, I hear my coach yell Box out T. My hands instantly go upwards and out, blocking out the opposing player to the left of me. Eyes directly on the ball, I follow it as it is released from her hands. Swish, the ball swiftly falls through the hoop, our team claps then quickly resets in position. I look to the score board, it reads 101-102 Eagles. I take a deep breath, looking down 1,2 1,2 as I place my feet, the ref then again bounce passes her the ball. My hands go up and out. Watching the ball closely as it reaches rim, I bend over, butt out, hands up, and box out my opponent. Stumbling towards the hoop, I leap in the air and get the rebound. I fall to shooting guard, Lexi moves to post. I bring the ball up left court. She runs down middle court, cuts right and swings to the top. With five second s on tle clock, and the left lane open I do a pump fake, loose my opponent chest pass the ball to her and cut to the basket. I catch the ball with both hands rock it to my left, and lay it up. I fall to the ground as the buzzer sounds, anxiously looking up, the ball falls through the hoop. My head immediately drops, in relief. 2012 District Champions the commentator announces. The crowd grows in excitment. Everyone is chanting my name, and begins to fill the court. I grin and slowly get up; whipping the sweat from my face with my jersey. I begain the gaze at my teammates, and coaches. I think to myself We did it. Our hard work during those 5 hour practices, running those 17s in the gym, sprints on the track, and texas miles in 100 degree weather has paid off. The early mornings we put in, our weekends we spent running the same plays, and drills is what sets us apart. While everyone finds grace in the win,I find grace in the work, amd what it took to take home that win against the Lady Eaglea of Ike.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Red Pill Blues by Maroon 5 free essay sample
I had found out about Maroon 5s new album a few weeks after it was released, and I honestly didnt know what to expect from the album. After listening very closely to all the songs, I have to say that this album is definitely worth downloading. This album falls in the genres of Pop Music, Contemporary RB, Funk, and Soft Rock. Maroon 5 was originally called Karas Flowers from 1994 until 1998 while they were in high school. During this time, they self- released their first album, Debut Album. When the album stirred the charts, they signed to Reprise Records. They then released another album called The Fourth World. This album got bad reviews and the record label dropped them. The band left the music industry so they could focus on college. When they finished college in 2001, the band remerged and renamed themselves as Maroon 5 and added guitarist Valentine. The band signed with Octone Records and released the album Songs About Jane. We will write a custom essay sample on Red Pill Blues by Maroon 5 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The band won a grammy for this album. The band soon were hitting the charts with another three successful albums. They signed with Interscope Records two years after they added PJ Morton as a keyboardist and Sam Farrar as a touring member on multiple instruments. They released their newest album on November 17th of 2017. This album, compared to the others, is more updated and relevant. It is also very catchy and can get stuck in anyones head. The band says that the album doesnt have any true meaning and they let their fans decided the meaning of the album. The process in choosing the album name was not hard at all because they were tired and it was the eleventh hour, they had 20 minutes to choose the name. They discussed it and thought the reference of the movie The Matrix was really cool. At the time they did not realize that red pills are what anti- feminist men say when they start in the campaign. Of course the band wouldnt have chosen this because they are all supporters of feminists. My thoughts on the title are very little. Its a nice title and I love how they like to make small references to certain things. It makes the fans relate to the album more. The tracks that stand out the most to me is What lovers do and Wait. They stand out to me because they are really catchy and were easily stuck in my head and had me dancing for months to them. The songWhat lovers do is the second song on the album and it features the rising musician SZA. The song is very up beat and fun to dance to at a party or in the car. I love the song lyrics but I dont understand the meaning of them. For example, when it says Ill bet the house on you, am I lucky or not, lucky or not, lucky or not? You gotta tell me if you love me or not, love me or not, love me or not? Which makes me think that theyre talking about two lovers getting a divorce, yet, later it says Been wishin for you, am I lucky or not, lucky or not, lucky or not? Which makes me think that they are crushing on each other and are trying to let each other know.The song Wait is the third song on the album and is upbeat and very relatable. This is my favorite song on the album. It sounds as if it w as playing in a club where youre trying to forget your past relationships with your friends and are laughing about the memories of your exes. I feel the song is about a boy that realizes the things he did wrong and he wants the girl back, he realizes that hes not a whole without her and he slowly falls apart. Ive been through a breakup and this should have been the song I played to the boy. Comparing this album to the others they have released, I feel this is the most relatable album. Its also the most upbeat one. I give this album a rating of 9 out of 10 music notes because not only does it have cool references, but it is upbeat and fun while also being very relatable to people all over the world. After this album I am excited to here what comes next. I will be waiting anxiously for the release date of their next album. I would like to see more catchy and relatable songs. Those are always the best.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Woodstein- The Watergate Era essays
Woodstein- The Watergate Era essays In 1972 the United States was in a social turmoil. Vietnam was at its height and three of the biggest rock-and-roll artists of all time had just died. Riots were all the rage; hippies and radicals were everywhere. The country was in upraise. And thanks to two reporters on the Washington Post, the infamous Watergate scandal was revealed; just a little more fuel to the fire of the late 60s and early 70s. For the second time in our history, impeachment was brought upon a president. For the first and only time in our history, the President resigned. On June 17, 1972 Bob Woodward, a reporter for the Washington Post, got a call to follow a case involving the Watergate offices. Five men had been arrested in the Democratic headquarters carrying no less than two thousand dollars in cash and a few thousand dollars in highly technical equipment for listening to other peoples conversations. He was assigned to the story with a fellow reporter, Carl Bernstein. (Woodward, Bernstein. 4) It looked, on the surface, to be a very basic story. However, more and more questions kept coming up. These were questions about who people were and why they were in the five arrested mens address books. There were two pieces of legal paper addressed to Mr. Howard Hunt, so Woodstein (the culmination of Woodward and Bernsteins names used to describe the duo) called the White House to ask him why the five men would have letters for him. That is where the story begins. Mr. Hunt never denied having been involved, instead he said, In view that the matter is under adjudication, I have no comment. (Woodward, Bernstein. 24) Woodstein worked day and night getting lists of peoples names of people who worked for the Committee to Re-elect the President (CRP; better known as CREEP) and going to their houses. The two reporters imposed on peoples personal lives and made many political people very angry. Yet their ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Identify the Theme of a Work of Literature
How to Identify the Theme of a Work of Literature A theme is a central or underlying idea in literature, which may be stated directly or indirectly. All novels, stories, poems, and other literary works have at least one theme running through them. The writer may express insight about humanity or a worldview through a theme. Subject Versus Theme Dont confuse the subject of a work with its theme: The subject is a topic that acts as the foundation for a work of literature, such as marriage in 19th-century France.A theme is an opinion the author expresses on the subject, for instance, the authors dissatisfaction with the narrow confines of French bourgeois marriage during that period. Major and Minor Themes There can be major and minor themes in works of literature: A major theme is an idea that a writer repeats in his work, making it the most significant idea in a literary work.A minor theme, on the other hand, refers to an idea that appears in a work briefly and that may or may not give way to another minor theme. Read and Analyze the Work Before you attempt to identify the theme of a work, you must have read the work, and you should understand at least the basics of the plot, characterizations, and other literary elements. Spend some time thinking about the main subjects covered in work. Common subjects include coming of age, death and mourning, racism, beauty, heartbreak and betrayal, loss of innocence, and power and corruption. Next, consider what the authors view on these subjects might be. These views will point you toward the works themes. Heres how to get started. How to Identify Themes in a Published Work Note the plot of the work: Take a few moments to write down the main literary elements: plot, characterization, setting, tone, language style, etc. What were the conflicts in the work? What was the most important moment in the work? Does the author resolve the conflict? How did the work end?Identify the subject of the work: If you were to tell a friend what the work of literature was about, how would you describe that? What would you say is the topic?Who is the protagonist (the main character)? How does he or she change? Does the protagonist affect other characters? How does this character relate to others?Assess the authors point of view: Finally, determine the authors view toward the characters and the choices they make. What might be the authors attitude toward the resolution of the main conflict? What message might the author be sending us? This message is the theme. You may find clues in the language used, in quotes from main characters, or in the final resolut ion of the conflicts. Note that none of these elements (plot, subject, character, or point of view) constitute a theme in and of itself. But identifying them is an important first step in identifying a works major theme or themes.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Supreme Court Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Supreme Court - Assignment Example t the Supreme Court is expected to carry out constitutional review in order to equalize the constitution with the major changes that have taken place in the land for the last 223 years since the constitution was ratified. It is true that the constitution was ratified during that time to conform to the then demographic, social, industrial and technological structures. These have duly changed; hence, amendment to the constitution is also required. The Supreme Court in so doing should take a non-originalist point of view as these people give a more substantial weighting to precedent, consequences and to the natural law. It therefore means that, the non-originalists will not just take precedents the way they are, but give them some analysis and weighting before considering them. Considering the Supreme Court ruling on the gay rights, the Supreme Court actually had to amend the constitution from how it had been allow people from same sex to enjoy certain rights and privileges which they were deprived of earlier. It therefore means that, after the issue being contested in the Supreme Court for Nine Circuits, the court finally found no reason for depriving people of same sex their right to marry (Adam, 2013). This decision was based on the non-originalist view that looked into the other precedents keenly to allow the constitution make amendments in favor of those who wanted to have same sex
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Globalisation and International Institutions Essay
Globalisation and International Institutions - Essay Example Globalization and enlightment Globalization and enlightment envisages ideas moving across the world with ease at any given time. The world, instead of promoting globalization, encouraged slave trade, especially the more developed nations. This is building up of economic slave trade which is not similar to the nature of debates that the current world needs to be engaged in. For instance, Adam Smith propagates government intervention and free trade across borders not minding the effects it may have on the economy of those countries (Stilglitz, 2002 p. 38). According to Professor Joseph, for industries to develop, the magnitude of development needs to be in line with the government policies. According to smith, when cities develop, the rural sector will be negatively affected or rather; will feel the impact at a great level. Joseph therefore, argues that, no development can occur automatically without a favorable government policy. Two decades ago, smith may have anticipated the ideas t hat reflected the ideas of globalization. Smith was aware of the marketing professions and limitations of the government that played a role in what happened after the policy setting (Smith, 1901) Globalization and enlightment has caused moral values problems and the confrontation of different societies that has resulted in people of diverse cultures mixing through migration. This is exactly what Joseph believes is a propeller of globalization and enlightment. He believes that the value of tolerance is necessary if we have to achieve this, because we need to learn living with people from diversified cultures and backgrounds without conflicts. Therefore, to enhance globalization, we need to establish some standards that all individuals need to conform to. They include, basic human rights, labor standards, and establishment of the rule of law that should be agreed upon by all the countries, for example, a rule against the torture of children (Stilglitz, 1993 p. 143). Globalization has a future and if we attempt to go beyond these confines, then we will be trying to ignore the values, which must be followed for a positive achievement. Convention of torture is undermining the international rule of law hence affecting the way we live together as the international community that the Bush administration failed to live up to. The world needs to push for the values like looking at the IMF imposations on basic economic world standards. He argues that tolerance leads us to live towards achieving different economic goals and globalization (Younis, 2008). Second is the set up rules that are set and imposed by the international community, for example, rationality and pragmatism which positively affect globalization. Adam smith rejected this ideologies was at the heart of the enlightment. He became the father of a new ideology of the free market ideology which turned out to a religion. Adam Smith’s argument promotes self-interest instead of promoting moral issues that may enhance enlightment and globalization. Professor Joseph subscribes to issues that do not compromise globalization, but rather enhances the well-being of the society leading to globalization. Self-interests do not lead to economic improvement but rather it pulls down the chances of economic efficiencies. The higher the profits accrued from the ventures, the better the business environment and basic social
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Physics in Sports Essay Example for Free
Physics in Sports Essay Everything from kicking a ball into a goal to running from one side to the other side of the field is based on physics. Physics plays a key role in sports; it can impact on a player either positively or even negatively. Gravity, friction, motion and projectile affects sport in every aspect. How physics affects Sports No matter how hard or high you kick a ball as a result of gravity it will be pulled back down to earth. Although the rate at which it descends may vary on its mass and surface area, it will still have to come down. If thrown at any other angle than 90iit will have a parabolic path (trajectory). Also air resistance and friction will reduce the rate at which the ball moves. The law of conservation of energy also plays a major role in sports. In football if you kick a ball you are transferring kinetic energy from your foot to the ball. From the pendulum balls by the side you can see how energy transfer works. If you lift the ball at left then energy will be passed on to the neighbouring ball and as a result the ball at the end will move the same distance from which it was released on the other side. Similarly in this diagram the character kicks the ball transferring kinetic energy from his foot to the ball. The ball moves and rises and therefore the kinetic energy will be converted into gravitational potential energy. Speed is another factor that is based on physics. In any sports using the force applied, time and the mass you can work out the final/initial velocity assuming that initial/final velocity is zero. Alternatively you can work out speed if you are given the time taken and distance it travels. How technological development has made the data collected more valid and reliable than with traditional methods of studying mechanics. Technology has developed at a staggering rate over the recent years. This allowed us to measure data much more accurately, as humans can make errors in timing due to reaction time both at start and end. Also the development of light gates allowed us to measure speed, time and acceleration. This can then be plotted on a graph and the graph can drawn/ edited in real time (as the measurements are taken the graph can be plotted and the line of best fit can be changed). Experiment for measuring Speed You can measure speed using a simple tennis ball. Set a straight horizontal track and makes sure it is straight. Measure the length of the track. You will need a timer to time the experiment. Roll the tennis ball through the measured distance and time it. Then use V=S/T (Velocity=Displacement/Time) to find out Speed at which it was travelling. Alternatively the velocity can be measure by setting a light gate near the end of the track and connecting it to a Data logger, and this will display the data on the screen, so that it is easier for you to read. You have to set up the data logger so that it measures speed also you have to choose the diameter of the ball which will pass through the light gate. Sources: Edexcel AS Physics Ann Fullick, Patrick Fullick, Miles Hudson, Sue Howarth Pearson (2008) page 46 47 http://www. soccerballworld. com/Physics. htm Physics World magazine, June 1998 pg 25-27. http://physics-of-sport. net/basketball. html http://www. serioussoccer. net/Documents/PhysicsofSoccer. pdf.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
By the end of the play Rita having a mind trained to think, has developed :: English Literature
By the end of the play Rita having a mind trained to think, has developed a confidence that enables her to make her own decisions. How far do you think that Frank was solely responsible for this development. By the end of the play Rita having a mind trained to think, has developed a confidence that enables her to make her own decisions. How far do you think that Frank was solely responsible for this development, or do you think that Frank was simply' the key that unlocked Rita's mind In Educating Rita, the audience sees the wilful struggle of a working class woman's thirst to be educated .A literature professor takes on the challenge, because she is like 'a breath of fresh air'with a totally uncluttered mind. He teaches her many things as well as instils in her the self confidence to relate to almost anyone. However; as she learns and grows, she not only becomes influenced by others, she loses that part of herself that makes her unique and individual; which makes her like all the rest. Our first impressions of Frank and Rita are that they appear to be complete opposites. They come from two contrasting social backgrounds; Frank is a well educated man of middle upper class. Rita is an uneducated working- class girl. Their jobs go from one intellectual extreme to the other. Frank being a university professor while Rita works as a hairdresser. Rita is discontented with her present life, she feels incomplete, like she's missed out on something. She feels that the so-called 'working class culture 'she was brought up in is hollow and meaningless. Rita is determined to get the education she never got, to raise the standards of living, and also to raise her from her state of ignorance to one of intellectual and social confidence. She looks down on herself and the culture she belongs to, but is optimistic that she can learn her way into a better way of life. She believes that freedom will come with education; therefore Frank can give her this freedom by educating her. Frank is also unhappy with his existence. He has everything Rita wants from life but wishes he didn't. He turns to drink to make living in the culture he hates more bearable. He doesn't want Rita to experience the same thing, which is why he doesn't want to teach her. He doesn't want to be the one to take away her simple, down-to-earth way of life and replace it with the kind of life he has. In my opinion this shows that Rita's determination played a greater deal in the development of
Monday, November 11, 2019
Singapore’s Political, Economic, and Social
I will be conducting my research paper Singapore Political, Economic, and Social Organization. The method that I will use to gather my information will be ethnology. Ethnology is Comparative study of cultures with the aim of presenting analytical generalizations within the context of that society. Singapore is a postindustrial society that has a parliamentary republic with a Westminster system of unicameral parliamentary government representing Constitution. Singapore officially gaining sovereignty in 1965, its politics has been dominated by the People’s Action Party (PAP). Singapore, under the leadership of the PAP, possesses a distinct political culture: authoritarian, pragmatic, rational and legalistic. PAP leadership consisted of English lawyers and Chinese pro-communist trade union leaders. Unlike the western country (United States) that is run by politicians, Singapore is not run by politicians, but by a social system that where power is gained through skills, performances, and loyalty to the nation and not by politician’s policies. Singapore as has supremacy of government-controlled companies not like their western country counterparts. The reason why PAP stayed in power is due to popular support won by economic growth. Singapore raised public awareness, and stimulates public interest and debate, in economic issues is a factor of economic growth. Economic performance of Singapore depends on its mode of economic organization, natural resources, climate, and history. Singapore witnessed the unexpected economic development of vast potential for tin, rubber, oil palm, and tobacco, for Singapore is one of the largest ports in the world. Singapore is a postindustrial society where the government has invested billions in infrastructure and aims to recruit the best researchers in all modern fields of technological endeavor (Nowak & Laird, 2010). This brought immigrate from the Philippines, Indonesia, and Southeast Asia to Singapore for work. By 2006, there were approximately 580,000 lower–skilled foreign workers and 90,000 skilled foreign workers in Singapore (Yeoh, 2007). In addition, 60 percent of Singapore's factory workers are Malaysian citizens, who cross the shared border daily (Nowak & Laird, 2010). Unlike the westerner country, Singapore required that workers must take a pregnancy test and STD test regularly. Again Singapore isn’t like their westerner counterparts when it comes to unemployment. Unemployed workers must return to their home country after a short period of job hunting.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Communication Through Graphic Design Essay
I’m going to college to earn a degree in Graphic Design. Graphic Design is the art or skill of combining text and pictures in advertisements, magazines, or books. My dream has always been to work for a large successful major business or company. I would love to live in the city and be able to drive down the high way or pick up a magazine and see my design in it for everyone to see. One of the biggest meanings of the word â€Å"design†is planning. To design is to come up with a plan for all elements of a project. I’ve always been really big on making plans. Like when I go to the mall I don’t like to just walk around aimlessly. I like to have a planned route of certain stores I’m going to go to, and in what order I’m going to go to them. I’ve never actually thought about the communication process when it comes to a career in Graphic Design. I always figured it was a career with little communication considering it’s all mostly done on the computer and independently. Depending on the job task, company, or person your doing a certain job for there has to be plenty on communication in order to get the project and design done. Which is a sender receiver type of communication. When going to create a design you must pay close attention to the person telling you what to design. So good communication skills are relevant to get a good job done and reach your bosses standards. Graphic Design is all about communicating images, ideas, and information visually. There are many different types of communication, Graphic Design is visual and non-verbal communication. For example, a billboard on the side of the road is still a form of communication even though there isn’t technically any talking going on. People drive by and still get the point and the message without any verbal communication. Some interesting history I never realized or thought about is that technically graphic design started back in the prehistoric period. With cavemen doing cave paintings and markings on boulders to relay a message to others. It’s interesting to think that people have been creating forms of non verbal communication through somewhat Graphic Design for quite some time now. Graphic Designs involves intrapersonal and interpersonal communication. This is because with this type of job comes lots of thinking, analyzing, listening, observing, questioning, and evaluating. Also I learned that there’s nonverbal physical means in Graphic Design such as; sign language, touch, eye contact, and body language by using design. It’s through communication that understanding, cooperation, and collaboration occur. Communication skills is way more important in Graphic Design than most would assume.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
I Dont Know What Topic. I Will Put The Topic In The Order Instruction Essay
I Dont Know What Topic. I Will Put The Topic In The Order Instruction Essay I Don't Know What Topic. I Will Put The Topic In The Order Instruction – Essay Example of your Essay Sub Paper Due Workplace stress can cause lowered productivity andalso have an impact on the physical and emotional health of the employees. Effective work place stress management can mean the difference between triumph and disaster. In order to lower work related stress, proper work life balance is key. Prioritizing, delegating and effective time management is one way work related stress can be reduced.Effective time management can include schedule reorganization. A balanced schedule can prevent burnout and create a balance between work and social activities. The schedule should not have back to back activities regularly and tasks should be organized on the basis of priority. This prevents over commitment and having too much on one’s place. Following the schedule punctually can lower stress levels since running late can unnecessarily add pressure. Short breaks throughout the day can also help clear one’s mind and increase productivity1Major projects should be broken down into small tasks and a step by step plan should be formulated so that the work load is more manageable and not overwhelming. Delegation of responsibility can also help reduce individual stress. Dividing the work load with the appropriate people can help manage unnecessary stress. Conflict in the work place can also cause stress so resolving conflict in a healthy and constructive way can help create strong bonds between employees and ease work place tension. A stressful environment can be an emotionally charged environment and the key to easing the hostility is to resolve the conflicts in a mature manner and be willing to look at the greater good. Overall, effective time management, prioritizing, organizing and improving conflict resolution skills can help ease job related pressures. It can lead to increase in productivity and help achieve work-life balance.Segal, Jeanne, et al. Stress at Work: Help Guide. September 2014. Web. 8 October 2014.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Best Things to Do in Bangkok
Best things to do in Bangkok Let’s be honest here, any of you love travelling overseas but worry about the high money expenditure? And to add salt into the wound, we’re not working, many of us are still relying on our parents’ pocket for money. However, don’t be disappointed because our country’s neighbor up north is a cheap alternative for a fun, memorable travel destination. Thailand is a land where people speak in high notes and tom yam is a word synonymous with the term, everyday food. Before, Bangkok started out as a small trading centre and a port some 200 years ago. Today, with the influx of modern technology mixed with the beauty of its illustrious past, there are a mass variety of things to do In Bangkok. Be it eating in neon lighted side restaurant, visiting dazzling temple, artfully sculpted palaces to floating market, and shopping in fancy shopping malls, each has an intriguing story to tell. If you love the distinctive flavor of coconut, chilli, lemon grass, lime and spices, eat all you can while in Bangkok. From mango rice, tom yam noodles to Thai Hakka noodles and sharks fin soup, it caters to any taste buds. Mango rice is basically glutinous rice mixed with condensed milk and sweet mango. While it may seem simple to prepare, the Thais take it to another level. Next, Thai tom yam has always been very tasty with a good balance of sourness and saltiness with a pinch of sweet taste but if you can’t take spicy things, this will not appeal to you as it is also mightily spicy. Just eating a bowl of tom yam noodles sent tears spewing from my eyes but it kept me wanting more. Bangkok is also famous for fried creepy crawlies. Cockroaches, grasshoppers, crickets and worms are fried in boiling hot oil and mixed with black pepper plus a bit of MSG for extra taste. Many find them to taste like normal snacks but I didn’t have the guts to try it. Just looking at it was scary. Now that you know food is a must try in Bangkok, let’s look into the sight-seeing part. If you’ve a taste for historic temples, Wat Arun situated at the side of the Chao Phraya River is one of the many temples present and preserved in Bangkok is one you should not miss. What sets this apart from the rest is that King Taksin found shelter in this particular temple during a fight with the Burmese army. During his reign, he later renamed it Wat Cheang which means Temple of Dawn and was one of the chief temples that enshrined rare Buddha sculptures. Taking pictures with the beautiful architecture and craftsmanship is one moment that will leave a lasting memory about Bangkok. Tip, during your short trip there, side stalls renting historic clothes of the beautiful Siam servants can be worn to spice up your time there. No visit to Bangkok would be complete without an introduction to the floating market. Everything is done on boats like selling, buying and eating. The market gets up early so must you If you want to share in this uniquely Thai experience. While it may seem like a shock to some, there is also a condom restaurant called Cabbage amp; Condoms. The name may bring a lot of controversy but this particular restaurant was actually opened by the ministry of Thailand to increase awareness about family planning and safe sex. Though this restaurant carries a good cause, the unique atmosphere and good food makes the place a must go when one visits Bangkok. Well, that’s all for interesting places to visit. And here comes my favourite part, shopping. Bangkok can also be classified as a shopping haven and it has more than enough shopping malls to suit every lifestyle. For students like you and I, places like Platinum Mall, MBK and Chatuchak Market are enough to make you literally shop till you drop. MBK is a mega mall that houses about 2,000 shops and sells things that range from clothing, accessories, bags to furniture, electronic products and stationery items. Naraya, a famous fashion line for women created in-house in Thailand has their shop open in MBK. If money isn’t a primary concern, do drop by at Naraya for a visit as you would not be disappointed. I wasn’t. Platinum Mall should appeal to many as it is a mall that has thousands of wholesalers operating inside. Like MBK, Platinum Mall sells almost everything and most importantly has clothes that is priced half as much as you see in Malaysia. Chatuchak Market is alike Platinum Mall except for the fact that it is open air. Here is a fun fact about this market that would make you go wow. Can you imagine a sum of 40 football fields is actually equal to a Chatuchak Market? That’s why finding a particular shop in the market is like finding needle in a haystack. Young businessmen always try their luck to sell their own manufactured items, Thai snacks can be found abundant and special shaved coconut drink with coconut ice-cream are sold in Chatuchak Market. Trust me, it is mouth-watering. As shopping takes up a lot of leg strength, one can unwind through Thai massages. Bangkok’s spas are your inner-city gateways to seventh heaven. But before you go finding one, be sure to find reputable and pay a little extra because you don’t know what happens behind the scenes. Quality filled spas offer serene atmospheres and highly trained masseuse that will definitely take the tiredness away from you. If you’re on a budget and would like to travel, I highly recommend Bangkok. Especially if you’re game for an adventure, Bangkok offers an exotic culture with the hustle and bustle of the city and it is definitely one city that offers countless amounts of activities. Just listening to the guide will not justify the fun these activities bring when experienced in real life. As quoted by Isadora Duncan, â€Å"What one has not experienced, one will not understand in print. †, so experience all these first hand as you won’t regret. Kap pun kahp.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
'The great strength of the market is that it is a decentralised means Essay
'The great strength of the market is that it is a decentralised means of resource allocation.' Discuss - Essay Example However, the markets deviate because of the demand and supply levels that shape the market conditions. The following context is a depth discussion of free market enterprise economies with incorporation of the liberalists and socialists approaches. Innovation The free market economies are crucial for general growth of a country as the production factors seem to coincide with the market forces in exploitation of resources to achieve improvement in lives through the satisfaction of consumer needs (Lightenstein, 2005:56). Economists argue that free markets comprise of sellers of different products and buyers to the different products and the extent at which these factors prevail without coercion is the best of economic growth. Mainly, supply of the products is dependent on demand levels prevailing in the market. A supplier defines a particular need for a product in the market and depicts on the best method of solving the consumer need (Block, and Block, 2008:58). At this point, the suppl ier shall indulge in the process of developing a product tailored to cater for the anticipated need. Producers to new products in a free market find ease in accessing value through the effective ascertainment of anticipated needs from the target consumers. This occurs from the essence that the consumer expresses the needs he feels deprived of and at that point, the innovative and knowledgeable producer gains access to a product idea (Kasper, 2006:122). A producer should depict the market eyed on and establish the probable rate of competition that may prevail in the market. Economists hold on innovation as of critical value to enhancing production and increased economic performances at the long run (Barth, Lin, and Wihlborg, 2012:43). For example, a new product in a free market enterprise encourages different producers to derive a norm that producing towards the different consumer needs could be beneficial to the urge to grow. As Smith established in the 18th century, suppliers deriv e the urge to produce just as the consumers derive the urge to purchase a given. Studies depict that innovative supply of products is positive to growth in the economy. For example, a new product in the market would imply to a new demand and supply module that will include a monopolistic competition approach. The law is that the product will gain a gradual increase in the level of demand and slowly incline in accordance to the purchase model (Lightenstein, 2005:59). This process shall implicate a level of returns on investment to the producer who shall in turn engage in production of more output to cater for the raising demand. At this point, producers shall stand the threat of competition in the absence of substitute commodities in the market. Free market economists embrace monopolistic competition as ideal in that different suppliers have distinct products thus will attract different buyers. Therefore, monopolistic competition is relative to decreased rivalry (Kasper, 2006:124). T he libertarians hold on free market as ideal to the distribution of wealth and equity to the entire society in general. For example, the new products shall lead to the creation of employment rates for knowledgeable and innovative individuals. This labor force shall derive earnings from the initial demand of the product at the initial price (Barth, Lin, and Wihlborg, 2012:45). With the opposing factors remaining constant, the product demand shall increase accordingly and will be the yields to the producer. Hence, increased production
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