Saturday, January 25, 2020
An Introduction to the airline industry
An Introduction to the airline industry The airline industry is a very competitive market, in the past 2 decades the industry have expanded and still expanding its routes domestic and globally in the beginning airline industry was partly government owned but in the recent years many privatization with airline industry have taken place. D E L A G (Deutsche Luftschiffahrts-Akiengesellschaft ) the first worlds first airline which was on the 16 November 1909 this airline was started mainly with the government owned/assistance this airship manufacturers were the Zeppelin Corporation and their head quarters was in Frankfurt. The two Americans named Rufus and Marriott tried to start the Americas first airline but the attempts were failed due to the airline catching fire. The five airline which was first started still exist these airlines are the oldest ones. KLM its the Netherlands owned, Avianca airlines owned by the Columbia. Qantas is Australians, Czech Airlines operated by the Czech Republic, Mexican Airlines by the Mexico. A fter the world wars there was some inventions have been made and the demand for new planes the designs and the techniques have greatly constructed and soon after the world wars the air rout throughout the Europe have been set up since the past 15 years the airline route have became a baggiest necessity of both business and common peoples that it is hard to live without the air travel the main pros for the Air travel is it reduces time and making the peoples to visit world in the affordable time. The airline industry can be categorized into four different and main Operations International: This service take more than130 passengers and have them and can take anywhere in the world. In this category the business have its revenue for at least $ 1bn. National: In this category it can take the passengers up to 150 and the business have its revenue for from $100 m $1bn Regional: The small companies which mainly focus on the flights with quick halts and the revenue of this business is less than $ 100 m. Cargo: The main focus of these airlines is to carry goods. Emirates (airline) introduction and its growth: Emirates airline is the major airline of the UAE and it is the subsidiary of the Emirates group it is also the national airline of the UAE (Dubai) its major operations is from the Dubai International Airport. It was founded in the year 25th October 1985 The Hub of the Emirates airlines operates its services to the ninety six (96) destinations and about 56 countries and covering around 6 continents. The company also operates the worlds longest flights to New York, los angles and other two states in Unites States of America including Houston (Texas) the cargo services of this airline is operated by the Emirates Cargo services Division at present the Emirates group has more than 40,000 Employees Employed and it is the one of the top 10 world class airlines in the world. Emirates group as a new and young company faces problems back in 1980s when the gulf airways cut down its flights to Dubai the rescue of help from the Dubai royal family invested $10 million in order to begin, the head of the airlines was sheikh Ahmad Bin Saeed al Makhtoom and he is also the present chairman since then the airlines have made its growth in the fleet and also have expanded its destinations. Emirates Airlines Growth and Incorporation: Emirates group have made tremendous efforts to grow since 1990, research shows that Emirates is one of the fastest growing airline in the world since the Emirates group have made partnership with AA (American Airlines) in 1994 it started providing the world class service to the passengers throughout the world soon after the partnership Emirates revenue turned to $634 M in the end of 2004, then after the airlines ordered 7 new Boeing 777 in 1996 costs about $1 Billion. In May 1998 Emirates enter into the agreement with Sri Lankan Air Lines to manage the airlines for 10 year In the year 2008 Emirates launched its nonstop flight to New York. In the year 2010 Emirates group have launched its flights to many new destinations in UK, Paris, Bangkok, Australia, and Saudi Arabia Do you agree with performance linked reward system? Summarize the recent trends of reward system in your organization or the organization you have chosen. Discuss its impact on productivity in your organization Performance linked reward system: The most important way to impress employees is only by reward to share the profits and allow them incentives by paying them bonuses the theory of reward system says that this is the way the employees will share in your dream when you fulfill their dream. The mechanism of this system can make this possible. The reward system is not just paying the bonuses and letting employees shares in the stock options. It is more likely to do with promotions, benefits and other incentives which can motivate employees unfortunately many companies do not offer this which leads to the failure of their organization so all the employers and I should agree with the reward system to sustain in the market with the competitors. (Donna Dee prose P: 33) The basic principle of reward system is that, you get what you reward the Employees. The main principle of management is things are done quickly if you reward the Employees, they shows positive attitude towards their works and their behavior changes if you reward them for their work. If you set a certain target for the employees and when they achieve it reward them immediately failure to do so will affect the results in the future and never hold behind the employees rewards. Therefore the main principle of motivation is by providing rewards and every organization should agree with this system for a successful organization. Benefits in working with airline industry (Emirates): Individuals interested in finding a job which can provide a good career prospects which will provide the option to travel the entire world and enjoying all the benefits as a part of the Emirates group then its hard to find the better industry than airlines and specially working for the Emirates one of the worlds best flight. There are number of benefits packages for the employees and career development programmers the group provides. In the further studies about the airline industry in the Unites States Of America there are nearly 100 airlines and 500,000 peoples are employed by them many of the positions provide excellent benefit packages, Emirates as world class airlines travels to providing services in 56 countries and expected to be added more in 2010 creates more job opportunities than the USA and runs a great reward system. Emirates Group: Emirates Group as a world class airline provides a very wide range generous benefits to the permanent employees who are employed globally. The group follows a detailed research and analysis on compensation and benefits policies by doing so the group can retain the top talented employees. This case study provides the understanding of the total benefits working for the Emirates, the reward system the company includes the cash and non cash elements. The Summary explains the basic elements of the Emirates group reward for the employees, this explanation for the compensation and reward system provides the information for the candidates working for the emirates group depending on what are their role and the unique skills and personality. The Najm award scheme is the reward and recognition program me of the Emirates Group. The Najm (Star in Arabic) recognizes, motivates and awards employees that either display exceptional behavioral competencies (going the extra mile) or identifies organizational improvements (enhanced safety, reduced cost or improved revenue) Cash elements rewards in emirates group Competitive salary and progression through salary range Emirates employees enjoy the competitive salary into cash; depending on the country they like E.g. The employees working in Dubai and K.S.A enjoy the tax free salary per month and rest all countries pays the normal tax depending on their countys legislations. Salaries are paid depending on their role and knowledge and specialization that the candidate can input into the role, the group carries a research with the relevant businesses and reviews on regular basis in order to remain competitive in providing the rewards to their employees. Employees receives the increase in salary range by the company when the responsibilities have been increased it is provided to keep employees motivates as money is a biggest motivator and used to divert route of employees to a desirable direction. Allowances The Group provides the accommodation for their employees or they give out the allowances for accommodation and it also provides the transport allowance or transport. The candidates in specific roles are only eligible for this role. Profit share schemes The company runs the profit share schemes to the employees depending on the financial statements of the group. Protection in exchange rate scheme The employees who works in the UAE their 50% of the salary is protected against adverse exchange rate towards dirham and your currency classification Professional allowance For the employees who possess the specialization skills company runs the scheme of recognizing their talents. Non Cash elements rewards in Emirates Group Annual leave The company provides 30 days of the annual leave excluding the public holidays. The annual leave will increase depending on the length of service. Gratuity/pension schemes Company runs a gratuity/pension schemes depending of the labor law rules and regulations of the country they work/ live in. For example in UK, if an employee signs up for the pensions Schemes Company deducts certain amount and pays monthly pension after the retirement age. The UAE labor law the employees are provided a gratuity on the end of service. This type of service is available to the candidates depending of the conditions like of employment and circumstances. Free holiday tickets Free holidays tickets are provided to the employees and their dependants/family for the destinations of their holiday and also runs schemes that employees can buy a ticket for the families and friends on the discounted fare. Education allowances Company provides financial support for their employees towards their tuition fees for the employees who are on senior positions to train them to requisite job skills besides these childrens of employees are allowed to claim the education allowance for the time of entire time of service. Insurance Insurances like Medical, Dental, life and Accident are provided to the employees throughout the length of service they are with the company. Provident funds On leaving the company employees are provided the provident fund that they have been saving throughout the service company decides either to pay the Gratuity or provident fund whichever is the higher the provident fund is like the long time savings of an employee with the company employee have to contribute 5% and company inputs 12% of the basic salary. Emirates card Emirates employees enjoy the privilege of being an emirates employee they can enjoys the benefits throughout the 1000s of outlets of the emirates group in UK and around the world. . Additional reward system in Emirates Group  Recognition reward from supervisors Employees with emirates enjoys the rewards from the supervisors when they feel the value of the candidate that they are performing consistently this the simple way to say thanks by words or by writing a thanks giving letter or by providing them an appraisal.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Reflective Writing of Gifted Hands-the Ben Carson Story Essay
â€Å"Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story†is a true story movie that revolves on the life of Benjamin â€Å"Ben†Carson who overcome poverty, racism, and a violent temper to become a world-renowned Pediatric Neurosurgeon that gives him a great credit in the field of Medicine. In his early years, he is the dumbest student in their class that made her mother come up on a decision on urging them (Ben and his brother Curtis) to start reading books in the Detroit Public Library because she doesn’t want her children will end up like her. Before long, Ben moved from the bottom of the class to the top. As he enters the world of Medicine as a Pediatric Neurosurgeon in John Hopkins Hospital, he successfully performed a ground-breaking surgery separating conjoined Siamese twins who were born joined at the head (this complex surgery has never been achieved before without casualties). It was a milestone in neurosurgery, but was far from the only worth mentioning achievement o f Carson’s career. For me, the most noteworthy event in the movie was when his Ben’s mother imparted him, â€Å"You can do anything that anyone else can do, only you can do it better.†This excerpt was intended for Ben to be encouraged and to boost his confidence to pursue with his undertakings to be the best he can be. He slowly discovers that his brain is indeed capable of both intelligent and creative thought. It’s a discovery – the miracle of human brain – that completely changes his life and shapes the course of his future. Learning developed when this excerpt was imparted, for me the gist of the excerpt is there’s nothing impossible if we just think that we can do our best, it just takes courage, self-confidence, self-efficacy and faith in God. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage. This is similar to Bandura’s Self-Efficacy Theory. Bandura’s theory emphasizes the role of observational learning, social experience, and reciprocal determinism in the development of personality. According to Bandura, a person’s attitudes, abilities, and cognitive skills comprise what is known as the self-system. This system plays a major role in how we perceive situations and how we behave in response to different situations. Self-efficacy plays an essential part of this self-system. According to Albert Bandura, self-efficacy is â€Å"the belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations†(1995, p. 2). In other words, self-efficacy is a person’s belief in his or her ability to succeed in a particular situation. Bandura described these beliefs as determinants of how people think, behave, and feel (1994). Since Bandura published his seminal 1977 paper, â€Å"Self-Efficacy: Toward a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change,†the subject has become one of the most studied topics in psychology. ( Because in Bandura’s Theory of Self-Efficacy verifies that self-efficacy can have an impact on everything from psychological state to behavior to motivation while people with high self-efficacy – that is, those who believe they can perform wellâ€â€are more likely to view difficult tasks as something to be mastered rather than something to be avoided. Like in the Bandura’s Theory of Self-Efficacy this reveals that it is how one judges one’s own competence to complete tasks, ability to perform well and reach goals. Self-efficacy affects every area of human endeavour, by determining the beliefs a person holds regarding his or her power to affect situations, thus strongly influencing both the power a person actually has to face challenges and the choices a person is mostly likely to make. These effects are particularly apparent, and compelling, with regards to behaviors affecting health. It is distinct both from efficacy and from self-esteem, confidence, and self-concept. Understanding how to foster the development of self-efficacy is important for policymakers, educators, and others in leadership positions, and to anyone seeking to build a happier, more productive life. Just like in Ben Carson’s story when he was hesitating on pursuing the operation between the Siamese twins because this surgery wasn’t successfully achieve or accepted before. But with the words of encouragement of his mother, he immediately conducted some research like reading books and applying his stock knowledge. Through these, he successful run the operation on the Rausch twins and that made him carve his name in popularity. Having watched the movie â€Å"Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story†I realize that in life we must believe in ourselves. Believe in our strength, capabilities, and have faith in God. Like in the story of Ben Carson after realizing the words of her mother, he slowly discovers that his brain is indeed capable of both intelligent and creative thought. It’s a discovery – the miracle of human brain – that completely changes his life and shapes the course of his future. Furthermore, I learned that we must not put some barriers or limitations immediately on the things we think we can’t do. Don’t belittle yourself and neglect things right away. Have After watching the movie, I have significantly improved my perception of self-confidence to achieve anything even the impossible. This makes me feel that self-confidence my key to every achievement of goals and even surpassing some difficulties in life. This perception will be a useful tool to me as learner because to be able to succeed in life is to face some up’s and down’s of life with full courage and there will be no courage if self-confidence is missing. As a next step, I need to be open-minded in all possibilities that could happen, even it will be an achievement or misfortune, and ready to face them with courage and faith in God.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Capital Punishment Essay - The Fatal State of the...
The Fatal State of the Death-Penalty System In 1997, the state of Florida botched Pedro Medinas execution. When the switch was flipped on the 50-year-old electric chair, nicknamed Old Sparky, the mask covering Medinas face caught on fire. Flames up to a foot long shot of his face for 6-10 seconds. A thick, black smoke filled the room, and the prison guards closed the curtain, hiding the rest of the job from the shocked witnesses. Bob Butterworth, then Floridas attorney general, said that Medinas agonizing death would be a deterrent to crime. People who want to commit murder, he said, better not do so in Florida because we may have a problem with our electric chair. Such cases are likely to horrify death penalty†¦show more content†¦There is no telling how many more of the approximately 3,600 people awaiting execution are not guilty, but it is worth noting that 87 men have been freed from death row since 1977, with three already released this year. †¢ A newly-released study of 62 inmates cleared by DNA evidence demonstrates that mistaken eyewitness testimony was involved in 84% of the wrongful convictions (San Francisco Chronicle, 2/16/00). †¢ A February 2000 Gallup Poll showed that death-penalty support is at a 19-year low. †¢ The United States is the only Western democracy that still carries out executions. Since 1976, 41 other countries have abolished the death penalty. †¢ Every year, New Jersey pays $22.8 million for the death-penalty process. Per person, life imprisonment costs about $850,000. (National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty). †¢ There is no conclusive evidence that the death penalty deters crime. The murder rate remained constant in Texas between 1984, when the state started speeding up its execution rate, and 1997. †¢ In 1998, there were 18, 209 murders. Prosecutors ask for the death penalty in a fraction of cases, juries only approve it in a third of those, and one-half of theShow MoreRelatedThe Death Penalty : A Fact Finding Report Essay1514 Words  | 7 PagesThe Death Penalty: A Fact-Finding Report The Death Penalty, also, known as, Capital Punishment, is the sentence of execution, for serious crimes punishable by death, through means prescribed by congress, through laws agreed upon by state legislatures ( Since, the first laws were established in the eighteenth-century, the topic of capital punishment has been met with vast amounts of controversy. 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Yet nobody in the room cares; not t he doctor who prepares the IV, the state official who staysRead MoreGeorge Orwell s A Hanging Essay2293 Words  | 10 Pagesprime example of this type of work, as the 1931 essay provokes thought on the issue of capital punishment. The story details an experience Orwell had during his work in Burma in which he was present for one prisoner’s execution. There is certainly conflict within Orwell for taking part in this event, and for being in relation to the functionaries responsible for carrying out the sentence. While Orwell does not make his belief on capital punishment clear, there is fair reason to argue that he is,Read MoreDeath Penalty Synthesis Essay with Documents5074 Words  | 21 Pagesintegrate a variety of sources into a coherent, well-written essay. Refer to the sources to support your position; avoid mere paraphrase or summary. Your argument should be central; the sources should support this argument. Remember to attribute both direct and indirect citations. Introduction: The death penalty has been implemented since ancient times and punishes criminals. Some people wonder if it deters violent crime in the states it is legal, but does it have a noticeable effect on violent
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Essay about Censorship - 1357 Words
Censorship The movie industry became a big hit in America after 1910. These movies were silent movies so therefore; we didn’t have the problem with vulgar language. The first spoken movie was in 1927, called The Jazz Singer. At that time, the movie industry was so worried about keeping his or her audience happy and didn’t want to offend anyone. That we didn’t have the problems that we have today. In 1922, William H. Hays founded the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America. This organization, which later became the Motion Picture Association of America, established a code to make sure that all movies produced in America followed certain moral standards. Foul language, nudity, the use of words that had sexual overtones to†¦show more content†¦The number one problem in television today is obscenity. Many people are offended by vulgar language. Vulgar language should not be allowed on cable television. Another problem is pictures showing sexual situations. Children do not need to be subjected to this type of television. The second reason the Motion Picture Code and Rating Program needs to be reconsidered because many children in today’s society are affected by television. Brian Siano says, children spend hours watching televisions unreal colors and how their fantasy lives are affected by weirdo’s (20). Children are affected in many different ways. Think of all the different types of shows and movies that can hurt them. Some children become more aggressive as a result of watching violent shows portrayed on television and in movies. For instance, James P. Comer, M.D., is a Maurice Falk Professor of child psychiatry at Yale University’s Child study center and author of Maggie’s American Dream. He states that there is a correlation between the viewing of violent material and aggressive behavior; that regular viewers behave more aggressively than occasional viewers (Boyd 01). Studies also say that during a three-hour time slot, onShow MoreRelatedCensorship : Censorship An d Censorship Essay1513 Words  | 7 PagesIn the modern sense, political correctness has become a form of censorship. With protestors forcing students to find alternate routes to school or pushing the administration to cancel guest speakers in fear of triggering students, the modern-day university is no longer a place of free, critical, thinking, but a place of censorship. Political correctness (is used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended primarily not to offend or disadvantage any group of people in society. InRead MoreCensorship And Censorship Of Music1544 Words  | 7 Pagestoday’s music, otherwise known as, censorships. A crisis has emerged concerning the issue of censorship. This argument consists of two possible stances: one, supporting the continuation of censorship, and two, eliminating the status quo of censorships in the music industry. There have been countless debates and arguments regarding the issues of censorship ever since the U .S. Congress passed the Radio Act in 1927 (The History). The time has arrived for censorship to be brought to an end. The governmentRead MoreCensorship And Censorship Of The Internet985 Words  | 4 Pagestruth.. This influenced freedom of the press rights and embracing those rights to the constitution (Linder). Recently the issue of Censorship of the Internet in America has become a trending topic. The internet has been commonly censored to comply with the Digital Millennium Rights Act, but in recent times our government has been requesting more aggressive censorship in order to provide a safer cyberspace. If the American government began to censor the internet, the restriction will result in suppressionRead MoreThe Censorship Of Internet Censorship3057 Words  | 13 Pages Internet Censorship Student’s Name: Institution Name: Internet Censorship Internet censorship refers to the suppression and control of what people can access, publish, or view on the cyberspace (Reynolds, 2014). It may be done by regimes or private firms at the command of the government. It can be a government’s initiative is or carried out by regulators. Organizations and individuals may practice self-censorship for religious, business or moral reasons to comply with societal normsRead MoreCensorship And Censorship Of The Internet1754 Words  | 8 PagesCensorship of the Internet is on the rise in highly populated states today. Although the Internet is considered as one of the most significant tools for the public sphere, many users have decried the Internet’s benefits and seen the Internet as a ‘double-edged sword’. Even as the Internet connects most of the world and gives valuable access to information, the same tool allows access to material that may be considered dangerous or harmful. The recent increase in discussion on the act of censorshipRead MoreThe Importance Of Censorship1640 Words  | 7 PagesHow is Censorship Beneficial? How is censorship used? Is it good or was it bad? Censorship is a good thing because people do not want kids looking at bad pictures. Censorship stops them from seeing that because it makes it to where there are books being banned and movies being rated. Also, censorship allows the government to control and limit exposure to several different types of things. Censorship is well known and was even used in the past. Censorship should be allowed in schools to prevent kidsRead MoreCensorship Essay1325 Words  | 6 PagesCensorship â€Å"Congress shall make no law†¦prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right to petition the government for a redress of government.†(Ravitch, 118) As stated in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, the people of this nation have the right to exercise their beliefs out loud, or in writing. With this in mind, does the government have the right to undermine the foundation of our nation, and censor what we readRead More The Censorship Debate795 Words  | 4 Pages The Censorship Debate nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Do words such as nigger, bitch, or ass offend you?nbsp; The answer may seem clear cut, but our nation has been struggling with the issue of censorship almost since its conception.nbsp; To many, the aforementioned words are a part of their everyday vocabulary; to others, they are vulgar and unacceptable.nbsp; The issue of censorship is much more than just words.nbsp; There have been huge controversies over the negative ideas andRead More Censorship Essay1002 Words  | 5 PagesCensorship The Columbia Encyclopedia defines censorship as the official prohibition or restriction of any type of expression believed to threaten the political, social, or moral order. It is necessarily broad definition. Any type of expression in fact, covers just about everything from clothing to print to movements and even to simply being. George Bernard Shaw described assassination as an extreme form of censorship. It is now omnipresent in society and has been as long as society has existedRead MoreCensorship in the Media1115 Words  | 5 PagesIs Censorship necessary? â€Å"Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear. -- Harry S Truman Thesis: Although some people believe that censorship is adequate to select what things does the society will be good and can live around it while others believe that there
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